Rip Tales: Jay Defeo’s Estocada & Other Pieces
Jordan Stein
Published by Soberscove Press, Chicago, 2021, 160 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 14.8 × 22.2 cm, English
Price: €24 (Temporarily out of stock)

In 1965, Jay DeFeo (1929–89) was evicted from her San Francisco apartment, along with The Rose, the two-thousand-pound painting that would make her legendary. The morning after her front window was sawed open to make way for the colossus, DeFeo attempted to salvage Estocada, a large-scale painting on paper stapled directly to her hallway wall. Unfinished and never documented, the little-known piece was ripped down in chunks, saved, and reanimated years later in the studio through photography, photocopy, collage, and relief.

Rip Tales traces Estocada’s material history, woven into this narrative are other Bay Area stories that likewise privilege transformation, multiplicity, intuition, and absence. Drawing on interviews and personal experience, curator Jordan Stein explores these themes in the work and lives of artists Zarouhie Abdalian, April Dawn Alison, Ruth Asawa, Lutz Bacher, Bruce Conner, Dewey Crumpler, Trisha Donnelly, and Vincent Fecteau.

A talk with Jordan Stein and Hilton Als about the book here.

#2021 #aprildawnalison #bruceconner #deweycrumpler #jaydefeo #jordanstein #lutzbacher #ruthasawa #soberscovepress #trishadonnelly #vincentfecteau #zarouhieabdalian
The Material Kinship Reader
Material beyond extraction and kinship beyond the nuclear family
Published by Onomatopee, Eindhoven, 2022, 454 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 11.4 × 16.2 cm, English
Price: €22

Edited by Clementine Edwards, Kris Dittel.

Spanning fiction and theory, the collection of texts expand the idea of an artist’s book by bringing words into conversation with an aesthetic proposition. Clementine Edwards’ artwork is the visual weft to the book’s written net. From colonial conquest to climate collapse, The Material Kinship Reader tells toxic and tender stories of interdependence among all things sentient and insentient.

Including contributions by Sara Ahmed, Hana Pera Aoake, Roland Barthes, Joannie Baumgärtner, Heather Davis, Kris Dittel, Clementine Edwards, Ama Josephine B. Johnstone, Robin Wall Kimmerer, Ursula K. Le Guin, Sophie Lewis, Steven Millhauser, Jena Myung, Aileen Moreton-Robinson, Michelle Murphy, Ada M. Patterson, Kim TallBear and Michelle Tea.

#2022 #onomatopee
Parts: Band 2: Arcade Channel
Fareed Armaly
Published by Kunstverein München, München, 1997, 24 pp. (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.5 cm, German/English
Price: €7 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Fareed Armaly: Parts at Kunstverein München, 17 October–23 November, 1997. Edited by Fareed Armaly und Saskia Drechsel.

Interviews with Niels Clausnitzer, Helmut Draxler, Elizabeth Endriss, Zdenek Felix, Rainer Graefe, Martin Gretschmann, Bernd Hartwich, Eberhard Haug, Holger Hiller, Felix Knoth, Jürgen Koppers, Fred Maire, Susanne von Medvey, Michaela Melián, Thomas Meinecke, Pierre Peters-Arnolds, Moritz Reichelt, Dirk Snauwaert, Maria Thaler, Andi Toma, Arnold Walz, Jan St. Werner. Designed by Fareed Armaly.

#1997 #anditoma #dirksnauwaert #fareedarmaly #helmutdraxler #janstwerner #kunstvereinmunchen
Jochen Lempert
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam & Portikus, Frankfurt, date, 112 pp. with poster insert (b/w ill.), 21 × 29 cm, English/German
Price: €32

Produced on the occasion of the solo exhibition Jochen Lempert at Portikus in Frankfurt. With a mix of new and older photos, Lempert composed a sequence showing different ways to look at pairs. With an essay from Portikus director Yasmil Raymond. Concept by Jochen Lempert in collaboration with Alexander Mayer. Designed by Roger Willems.

#2022 #jochenlempert #photography #portikus #rogerwillems #romapublications
Amador Profissional
Ana Jotta & Ricardo Valentim
Published by the artist, 2020, card (colour ill.), 24 × 17 cm, Portugese
Price: €150

Photo: Laura Castro Caldas. Edition of 300.

#2020 #anajotta #ephemera #ricardovalentim
Celebratory Drink with Ricardo Valentim, The Ritz Four Season Hotel Lisbon
Ricardo Valentim
Published by the artist, 2020, announcement card, 9.4 × 15 cm, English
Price: €60

“This work is installed when Ricardo Valentim gives a toast in the bar of The Ritz Four Season Hotel Lisbon. As conditions permit.”

#2020 #ephemera #ricardovalentim