Mladen Stilinović
Published by Muzej suvremene umjetnosti, Zagreb, 2003, 159 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 23 cm, English
Price: €38 (Out of stock)

The artistic practice of Mladen Stilinović, one of the founders and the liveliest protagonists of conceptual art in Croatia and the region, may be presented by using the key words, i.e. words that introduce the core problem and the procedures that the artist uses: language, ideology, manipulation, appropriation, correction, irony, installation, de-contextualization, exploitation, repetition, tautology. In Stilinović’s well-known Dictionary–Pain (2000–2003) have been crossed out white and changed into one and the same word of unique meaning—pain—in a potential “imperatival dictionary” some words could easily change places and the structure without the change of meaning.

#2003 #mladenstilinovic
Rosalind Nashashibi
Published by Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen & ICA, London, 2009, 96 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 30 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Rosalind Nashashibi’s solo exhibition in Bergen Kunsthall was the largest presentation in Scandinavia so far of Nashashibi’s work and covered her most important films from recent years, as well as photographic works. Nashashibi’s films are poetic observations of everyday events. The camera dwells on the social interaction that arises in human relations where the actors seem to hesitate between simply ‘being themselves’ and playing various socially defined roles. The artist makes effective use of the cinematic qualities of 16 mm film, and consciously uses the film medium’s quality to create a fundamentally time-based experience. Despite documentary restraint, Nashashibi’s films are not documentary films. They are as much poetic film collages, coloured by a subjective camera eye where the artist’s presence is always palpable.

#2009 #rosalindnashashibi
Guy Mees
Published by Ludion, Ghent, 2002, 257 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 24.8 × 28.7 cm, Dutch/French/English
Price: €48 (Out of stock)

Guy Mees’s (1935–2003) photographs, videos, and above all his fragile works on paper are characterised by a formal rigour combined with sensitivity and delicacy. The uniqueness of his oeuvre lies precisely in its avoidance of conventional aesthetics and discursive classifications. A leading figure of the Belgian avant-garde, Mees left behind an outstanding body of work that transgresses geometric abstraction, Minimalism, Conceptualism, and applied art.

#2002 #guymees
Vogliamo Tutto
Nanni Balestrini
Published by Telephone Publishing, Melbourne, 2014, 198 pp., 13.8 × 20.5 cm, English
Price: €16 (Out of stock)

“Vogliamo tutto: We want everything—all the wealth, all the power, and no work.”

Torino, 1969. Fiat’s giant Mirafiori plant is a magnet for thousands of young southern workers, who go north to escape oppression, poverty and underdevelopment and find only exploitation and abuse on the assembly lines.

Nanni Balestrini draws on interviews, flyers and the movement’s bulletins to document workers’ experiences on the factory floor, in the meetings and demonstrations and, finally, at the barricades, creating a poetic remix of a novel, a searching documentary and a call to arms for a just society.

Translated from the Italian by Matt Holden. Designed by Warren Taylor.

#2014 #nannibalestrini #warrentaylor
The Lulennial: A Slight Gestuary
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2015, 144 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 23 cm, English/Portuguese
Price: €15

Produced on the occasion of the biennal The Lulennial, organized by Fabiola Iza and Chris Sharp at Lulu, Mexico City, a 9-square meter independent space in Mexico City, whose economy, “in the sense of doing a lot with a little or sometimes nothing at all,” is one of the founding principles.

With Zarouhie Abdalian, Francis Alÿs, Paola de Anda, Carl Andre, Billy Apple, Darren Bader, Pierre Bal-Blanc, Robert Barry, Graciela Carnevale, Ulises Carrión, Lygia Clark, Isaac Contreras, Marie Cool Fabio Balducci, Tania Pérez Córdova, Eduardo Costa, Christopher D’Arcangelo, Marcel Duchamp, Koji Enokura, Lucio Fontana, Fernanda Gomes, Alberto Greco, Simon Gabriel Greenberg, Matt Hinkley, Hi Red Center, Tehching Hsieh, Douglas Huebler, Stephen Kaltenbach, Yves Klein, Joseph Kosuth, Jirí Kovanda, Sol LeWitt, Lee Lozano, Jenine Marsh, Cildo Meireles, Robert Morris, Roman Ondák, Yoko Ono, Gabriel Orozco, Chantal Peñalosa, Goran Petercol, Kirsten Pieroth, Wilfredo Prieto, Ana Roldán, Lotty Rosenfeld, Karin Sander, Ana Santos, Martín Soto Climent, Mladen Stilinovic, Mierle Laderman Ukeles, Isidoro Valcárcel Medina, Goran Trbuljak, Lawrence Weiner, B. Wurtz, Lin Yilin, La Monte Young.

#2015 #bwurtz #chrissharp #christopherdarcangelo #hiredcenter #jirikovanda #kirstenpieroth #lamonteyoung #mierleladermanukeles #mladenstilinovic #moussepublishing #tehchinghsieh #zarouhieabdalian
Dodie Bellamy
Published by Tender Buttons Press, New York, 2019, 80 pp., 12.7 × 17.7 cm, English
Price: €17 (Temporarily out of stock)

Dodie Bellamy’s Cunt-Ups, first published in 2001 and recipient of the Firecracker Award for Innovative Poetry, was immediately a controversial and celebrated work. Using the “cut-up” method of William S. Burroughs, Cunt-Ups is a work of sex magick, based on source texts from old lovers and Jeffery Dahmer transcriptions. The resulting spell queers everything around it.

#2019 #dodiebellamy #newnarrative