Annaïk Lou Pitteloud
With the modular work documentation Folder, Annaïk Lou Pitteloud presents for the most comprehensive publication on her artistic work to date. It is is preceded by the two sub-publications Mappe and Dossier. As catalogues for the solo exhibitions at the Kunstmuseum St. Gallen and the Musée cantonal des Beaux-Arts in Lausanne, they contain different compilations of the artist’s works that are related to the respective exhibitions and thus illustrate the basic idea of the present modular documentation of works. Files on all the artist’s works are created according to a strict grid. Separated by type of content, titles, descriptions of works, notes, documentary images and texts are compiled. Reproductions of drawings and reprints of printed matter used in the exhibitions complete the collection.
With texts from Maziar Afrassiabi, Bethan Huws, Nicole Schweizer, Madeleine Amsler, Hans Rudolf Reust, Steve Van den Bosch, Barnaby Drabble, Marie-Eve Knoerle, Federica Martini, Nadia Veronese, Pavel Büchler.
#2016 #annaikloupitteloud #bethanhuws #maziarafrassiabi #pavelbuchler #stevevandenbosch