Massastaking: partij en vakbonden
Rosa Luxemburg
Published by Sun, Nijmegen, 1971, 121 pages, 15.2 × 21.7 cm, Dutch
Price: €15

Dutch translation of Rosa Luxemburg’s The Mass Strike, the Political Party and the Trade Unions originally printed in 1906. With cover artwork by Gerd Arntz.

#1971 #gerdarntz #rosaluxemburg #sunnijmegen
Guitar Multiple FS 164
John Armleder
Published by John Gibson Gallery, New York, 1987, card (colour ill.), 10.7 × 15 cm, English
Price: €15

Promotional card for John Armleder’s edition Guitar Multiple (FS 164), produced by John Gibson Gallery, 1987.

Co-founder of the Ecart Group (1969) and closely affiliated with the Fluxus movement, visual artist John Armleder has since the end of the 1960’s created a polymorphic body of work which encompasses performance, drawings, sculptures and paintings.

#1987 #ephemera #johnarmleder
Jannis Kounellis
Published by by Institute of Contemporary Arts, Nagoya, 1987, 54 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, Japanese
Price: €32

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Jannis Kounellis at the Institute of Contemporary Arts, Nagoya, 6 June–31 July, 1987.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1987 #janniskounellis
Performing Objects I Have Been, 1972–2018
Adrian Piper
Published by If I Can’t Dance I Don’t Want to Be Part of Your Revolution, Amsterdam, 2021, 112 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 27 cm, English
Price: €15

Adrian Piper: Performing Objects I Have Been, 1972–2018 is a collection of documents from, or potentially relevant to Adrian Piper’s performance Some Reflective Surfaces (1975–76) edited by art historian and curator Rhea Anastas. In this early live piece, Piper dances under spotlights to Aretha Franklin’s ‘Respect’, additionally staging video feedback and filmed images of herself dancing, and two sound recordings—‘Respect’ itself, and a voice-over narrative. Some Reflective Surfaces was produced in New York in the Fine Arts Building, New York University in 1975 and then at the Whitney Museum of American Art in 1976. The performance has not been staged since. The documents of Some Reflective Surfaces include writings by, and audio transcripts of Piper. The publication is illustrated with photographs of Piper’s performances and other works.

Edited by Rhea Anastas with contributions by RoseLee Goldberg and Adrian Piper. Designed by Will Holder.

#2021 #adrianpiper #ificantdanceidontwanttobepartofyourrevolution #rheaanastas #willholder
Drafting futures, remembering a building
Rosa te Velde
Published by de Appel, Amsterdam, 2021, 288 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 12 × 17 cm, English / Dutch
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

Drafting futures, remembering a building explores, connects and recalls the many lives of one building in Amsterdam Nieuw-West over the span of more than sixty years. From when it was first built as ‘CSG Pascal’, a hypermodern school building; through its near demise when it was reformed as ‘Calvijn College’; then, its designation as a refugee shelter; and to its current, temporary status as a creative ‘hub’, known as ‘Broedplaats Lely’ and home to de Appel. Plans for the future are constantly made and unmade – what will this place become? How does this building help to understand the ideologies behind city planning, segregation and gentrification? How does this building reveal the different guises of the ‘politics of forgetting’ and how to work against them?

Edited by Hannah Cheney. Designed by Bardhi Haliti & Zuzana Kostelanská.

#2021 #bardhihaliti #deappel #hannahcheney #rosatevelde #zuzanakostelanska
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2019, 167 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 14.5 × 21 cm, English
Price: €25 (Out of stock)

This book is a three-part report on the long-term collaboration between artist Pope.L and curator Dieter Roelstraete which revolves around issues of connectedness, home, and migration, while addressing art’s relationship to knowledge.

Begun in spring 2016 with an invitation, extended to the artist by Roelstraete and his colleagues Monika Szewczyk and Adam Szymczyk, to participate in the fourteenth edition of documenta, Pope.L’s contribution took on the guise of an immersive, seemingly omnipresent sound installation titled Whispering Campaign, consisting of thousands of hours of whispered content—addressing nationhood and borders—broadcast throughout Athens and Kassel using both speakers and live “whisperers.”

#2019 #adamszymczyk #dieterroelstraete #monikaszewczyk #moussepublishing #popel