Weibliche“ und ”männliche" Körpersprache als Folge patriarchalischer Machtverhältnisse
Marianne Wex
Speaking about her work, Wex notes that her endeavor was “based on the assumption that body language is the result of sexoriented, patriarchal socialization, affecting all of our ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ role behavior.” Her discovery was that “body language and bodily ideals between sexes have become increasingly divergent.”
The resulting body of photographic collages is unique: they combine the history of street photography and the typologies of the Becher School with conceptual art imperatives, especially in their possibilities for modular recombination. Let’s Take Back Our Space might be classified, non-exhaustively, as a feminist broadside, an encyclopedia of gesture, an ethnographic portrait of Hamburg in the 1970s, a genealogical tract on art history, a neglected classic of appropriation art and a kind of autobiography.
#1979 #mariannewex