WT reader: The Summer Reader, Again, or A Diamond in the Rough
Published by Werkplaats Typografie, Arnhem, 2008, 256 pp. (b/w ill.), 10.5 × 17.5 cm, English
Price: €12 (Temporarily out of stock)

Being at once a school and at the same time not a school, a workspace, the WT tends to want to comment on its own distinctive form of academic pursuit (by way of, amongst other outlets, these School Journals). And during this sometimes faltering, sometimes successful quest, I’ve often thought about Jacques Rancière’s Ignorant Schoolmaster. Five Lessons in Intellectual Emancipation, not least because it outlines an “intellectual adventure” whereby any hierarchy amongst the students and between them and their tutor dissolves.—Maxine Kopsa, ‘Editorial Considerations’ (excerpt)

Including the work of Guy de Cointet, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Scott Ponik, David Lieske, Stephen Willats, Na Kim, Morgan Fisher, Karl Nawrot, Boy Vereecken, Cecilia Costa, Joris Kritis, Julie Peeters.

#2008 #boyvereecken #davidlieske #guydecointet #ianhamiltonfinlay #joriskritis #juliepeeters #karlnawrot #maxinekopsa #scottponik #werkplaatstypografie
Sie sind mein Glück
Isa Genzken
Published by Hatje Cantz, Berlin, 2000, 64 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.5 × 27 cm, German/English
Price: €35

Produced on the occasion of Isa Genzken’s exhibition, Sie sind mein Glück from 11 June–27 August, 2000 at Kunstverein Braunschweig.

With texts by Diedrich Diederichsen und Rita Kersting and a foreword by Karola Grässlin. Designed by Yvonne Quirmbach.

#2000 #diedrichdiederichsen #isagenzken #kunstvereinbraunschweig #yvonnequirmbach
Thresholds: A Prosody Of Citizenship
Lisa Robertson
Published by Book Works, London, 2018, 20 pp., 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €9 (Out of stock)

‘In De vulgare eloquentia, Dante developed a poetics of the vernacular–the collectively accessible speech of the household and the street, distributed unilaterally rather than intentionally acquired via a disciplined pedagogy of grammar, and transformed in open bodily exchange, irrespective of social position, gender or rank. “The vernacular,” Dante says, “[is] the language which children gather from those around them when they first begin to articulate words; or more briefly, that which we learn without any rules at all by imitating our nurses.” A vernacular is not structured according to a valuing hierarchy or an administration of history; it is improvised in tandem with the rhythmic needs and movements of a present-tense yet tradition-informed body among other bodies, each specific.

Lisa Roberston’s reflection of political subject formation, through poetry and vernacular forms, acts as a critical anchor for the ideas and experiments published in this new series, Dialecty.

Dialecty, conceived by Maria Fusco with The Common Guild, considers the uses of vernacular forms of speech and writing, exploring how dialect words, grammar and syntax challenge and improve traditional orthodoxies of critical writing.

#2018 #bookworks #lisarobertson #mariafusco
Notes On Just Back From Los Angeles: A Portrait Of Yvonne Rainer
Adam Pendleton
Published by Book Works, London, 2018, 16 pp. (b/w ill.), 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €9

Adam Pendleton’s Notes on Just Back From Los Angeles: A Portrait of Yvonne Rainer stems from the transcript of the script prepared by Pendleton for Yvonne Rainer to read during their day spent filming at the Ridgeway Diner in Chelsea. The text mixes citations from Stokely Carmichael, Malcom X, Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, and excerpts from Rainer’s own published works; the film ends with the gospel song ‘I Am Saved’ by the Silver Harpes over the footage of Rainer’s now canonical Trio A, 1978. Pendleton’s chapbook plays on the duality of meaning in the word ‘movement’, exploring the synchrony of art and politics, and shared potentials of language and the non-verbal.

Dialecty, conceived by Maria Fusco with The Common Guild, considers the uses of vernacular forms of speech and writing, exploring how dialect words, grammar and syntax challenge and improve traditional orthodoxies of critical writing.

#2018 #adampendleton #bookworks #mariafusco #yvonnerainer
Talking to Women
Nell Dunn
Published by Silver Press, London, 2018, 215 pp., 13 × 19.6 cm, English
Price: €13

With an introduction by Ali Smith and a new Afterword by Nell Dunn.

In 1964, Nell Dunn spoke to nine of her friends over a bottle of wine about sex, work, money, babies, freedom and love. The novelist Ann Quin says she appears to be a ‘singular girl, singular and single’ but questions the use she makes of her freedom. The Pop artist Pauline Boty reveals she married ‘the first man I could talk very freely to’ ten days after meeting him. Kathy Collier, who worked with Dunn in a Battersea sweet factory, talks about what it takes to ‘get out’ of a life that isn’t fulfilling. Edna O’Brien tells us about the time she inadvertently stole a brown georgette scarf and the lesson she took from it: ‘Morality is not the same thing as abstinence.’ After more than fifty years out of print, Talking to Women is still as sparkling, honest, profound, funny and wise as when it was first published.

#2018 #nelldunn #silverpress #theory
Ernst Caramelle
Published by Galerie Hubert Winter, Wien/Düsseldorf, 1984, 24 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 26 cm, English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Ernst Caramelle’s exhibition at Galerie Hubert Winter, Wien, 11 September–5 October, 1984.

#1984 #ernstcaramelle