i confess
Moyra Davey
Published by Dancing Foxes Press, New York & National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, 2020, 168 pages with foldout poster insert (colour & b/w ill.), 17.2 × 24 cm, English
Price: €32 (Temporarily out of stock)

Over the last forty years, Moyra Davey’s work in photography, film, and text presents a wide-ranging model of engagement with the world: reflections on producing and consuming, on writing and reading, and on novelty and obsolescence. Based on Davey’s eponymous 2019 film of the same title, i confess triangulates the lives and work of three writers: the American novelist and essayist James Baldwin, the Québécois revolutionary Pierre Vallières, and Ottawa-based political philosopher Dalie Giroux. With Baldwin’s 1962 novel Another Country as its point of departure, the narrative arrives at the work of each figure in succession, threading themes of race and poverty, language, and nationalism into Davey’s personal chronicle of the 1960s and 1970s;a turbulent period of Québécois history marked by separatism and violence, unresolved to this day.

With text by Moyra Davey, Dalie Giroux, Andrea Kunard. Designed by Santiago da Silva.

#2020 #daliegiroux #dancingfoxespress #moyradavey #santiagodasilva
Barry Flanagan and John Latham
Published by Flat Time House, London, 2015, 32 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 12.8 × 19.8 cm, English
Price: €10 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of ’Pataphysics and Transactions Between Barry Flanagan And John Latham at Flat Time House, London, 2 April–17 May. Curated by Jo Melvin, Palindromes looked at Barry Flanagan and John Latham’s preoccupation with ’pataphysics and provided a framework for dialogues between Barry Flanagan and John Latham. ’Pataphysics is defined by its inventor, Alfred Jarry, the Symbolist poet and writer, as ‘the science of imaginary solutions.’ It preoccupied Flanagan from the early 1960s before he enrolled on the Advanced Sculpture Course at St Martin’s School of Art in 1964, where he met John Latham who was at that time teaching in the painting department.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership, the cover has slight sun damage.

#2015 #barryflanagan #johnlatham
Capitol Complex / Ulterior Vistas
Tris Vonna-Michell
Published by Mount Analogue, Stockholm, 2013, gatefold vinyl LP + book (softcover) 2 tracks (8'19 / 6'10), 44 pages (colour ill.), English
Price: €30

Tris Vonna-Michell’s artist’s record/book is constructed around two works, Capitol Complex (2012–2014) and Ulterior Vistas (2012–2013), both of which are encapsulated on a ten-inch vinyl record. The spoken-word compositions are enclosed within a gatefold design and accompanied by the Capitol Complex manuscript as a booklet insert and a bound series of Ulterior Vistas photographic montages.

British artist Tris Vonna-Michell (born 1982 in Southend-on-Sea, England, lives and works in London and Berlin) is a memory traveler who runs through the past and present. In his works, images, sound, light, and the most ordinary objects become the material of a totally individual experience where reality and fiction merge, and journey, memories, and invention coexist.

More information on the work can be found here and here.

#2013 #lprecord #mountanalogue #trisvonnamichell
Spirits and Objects...and How Non-Productive Love Is Sometimes Contained in Them...
Josef Strau
Published by Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 2020, A4 foldout poster (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, German / English
Price: €2

Produced on the occasion of Josef Strau’s exhibition at Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf, 3 September–22 November, 2020, the first comprehensive institutional solo exhibition by Strau in Germany.

The exhibition brought together objects and text production made between 1991 and 2020 as an attempt to create an autobiographical depot, as if these objects were simply the result of time or of durations of psychological states, such as fear and anxiety, and sometimes also of desire. Strau’s complex, nested retrospective vessel contains, in addition to everyday stories, a random selection of objects representing, among other things, tigers, temples, tears, fences, children’s letters, angels, icons, and cured turtles. The most recent work is a spider clock, The 13 Hour Cymbal Spiderclock that exhales the Dreams, which announces a new time beyond the usual twelve hours.

#2020 #ephemera #josefstrau #kunstvereinfurdierheinlandeundwestfalen
De auteur als producent: Fotomontages
Walter Benjamin, Cees Boekraad, Helmut Lethen, Konrad Boehmer, John Heartfield
Published by SUN, Nijmegen, 1971, 108 pages (b/w ill.), 15 × 22 cm, Dutch, €7
Price: €7 (Out of stock)
#1971 #johnheartfield #sunnijmegen #walterbenjamin
Textiles: Open Letter
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2015, 312 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 24.5 cm, English
Price: €39 (Temporarily out of stock)

This publication examines the referential and analytical qualities of textiles through both contemporary and historical works. The contributions in this book reflect on the complex interplay between the various functions and connotations of textiles—such as the emphasis on their tactile qualities or the artistic value attributed to them—and the attendant conflicts and antagonisms that articulate relations of power and value and of the interaction of artistic processes with their overarching contexts.

Textiles: Open Letter stems from an exhibition at the Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, and a research project (2010–14) initiated by Rike Frank and Grant Watson. Including artists: Magdalena Abakanowicz, Anni Albers, Leonor Antunes, Thomas Bayrle, Jagoda Buic, Eva Hesse, Sheila Hicks, Loes van der Horst, Johannes Itten, Elisabeth Kadow, Paul Klee, Benita Koch-Otte, Heinrich Koch, Beryl Korot, Konrad Lueg, Agnes Martin, Katrin Mayer, Cildo Meireles, Kitty van der Mijll Dekker, Nasreen Mohamedi, Walter Peterhans, Edith Post-Eberhardt, Josephine Pryde, Florian Pumhösl, Grete Reichardt, Elaine Reichek, Willem de Rooij, Desirée Scholten, Johannes Schweiger, Gunta Stölzl, Lenore Tawney, Rosemarie Trockel

Designed by Martha Stutteregger.

#annialbers #berylkorot #florianpumhosl #guntastolzl #marthastutteregger #nasreenmohamedi #sternbergpress #textiles #willemderooij