Hans Bellmer
Published by Kawaride Shosha Shinbun, 1974, 92 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), hardcover in slipcase and band, 24.8 × 30.8 cm, Japanese
Price: €65 (Out of stock)

Hans Bellmer (13 March 1902–24 February 1975) was a German artist, best known for the life-sized pubescent female dolls he produced in the mid-1930s. Historians of art and photography also consider him a Surrealist photographer. Alexandrian Salane (Author), Shibusawa Tatsuhiko (Translation).

#1974 #hansbellmer
Irrational man
Francesca Lacatena
Published by S*I*G Verlag, 2016, Berlin, 31 pp., 15 × 21 cm, English
Price: €5

Essay #1 in the series by S*I*G Verlag. Designed in collaboration with Sara De Bondt. Edited by Megan Francis Sullivan.

#2016 #francescalacatena #meganfrancissullivan #sigverlag #saradebondt
Spring Equinox
Inka Meißner
Published by S*I*G Verlag, 2016, Berlin, 11 pp., 15 × 21 cm, English
Price: €5

Essay #3 in the series by S*I*G Verlag. Designed in collaboration with Sara De Bondt. Edited by Megan Francis Sullivan.

#inkameisner #meganfrancissullivan #sigverlag #saradebondt
For Every Dog a Different Master
Kateřina Šedá
Published by JRP Ringier, Zurich, 2008, 200 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 15 × 22 cm, Czech/English
Price: €28

Based on Sedá’s work for Documenta 12, this book documents a complex and long-term project realized in Nova Lisen, Brno, Czech Republic, where the artist lives. In the guise of a kind of “mail art,” Sedá put in contact the inhabitants of a housing project undergoing renovation, breaking down the conventions of addressing an audience in the art context, as well as stimulating exchanges and relations between the involuntarily participants.

Designed by Radim Peško, this is the fifth volume of the “Tranzit” series edited by Vít Havránek and focusing on Central and Eastern European artists, published by JRP Ringier.

#2008 #jrpringier #katerinaseda #radimpesko
Andreas Slominski
Published by Produzentengalerie, Hamburg, 1987, 16 pp. (colour ill.) stapled, 30 × 21 cm, German
Price: €40
Published on the occasion of Andreas Slominski’s first solo exhibition Fallen at Produzentengalerie, Hamburg, 24.9.–24.10.1987.
#1987 #andreasslominski
Shandyismus, Autorschaft als Genre
Helmut Draxler
Published by Secession, Vienna and Merz Akadamie, Stuttgart, 2007, 332 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 30 cm, German/English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Shandyismus, Autorschaft als Genre curated by Helmut Draxler, Secession, Vienna, 22 February–15 April, 2007.

The exhibition Shandyismus. Autorschaft als Genre refers to Laurence Sterne’s novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman from the 18th century. It will focus on Shandyism as a phenomenon or position, reflecting the diversity of points of contact with the media. A number of existing art works will be shown that express the methodological idiom of Shandyism. At the same time, artists have been invited to develop a “Shandyesque intervention” for the exhibition.

Artists: Monika Baer, Georg Baselitz, Bernadette Corporation, Max Bill, Marcel Broodthaers, Marcel Duchamp, Jack Goldstein, Gareth James, Sergej Jensen, Chuck Jones, David Jourdan, Jutta Koether, Louise Lawler, Olia Lialina und Dragan Espenschied, Robert Frank, Martin Kippenberger, Michael Krebber, Christian Philipp Müller, Michael Schuster, Josef Strau, Franz West sowie , Diedrich Diederichsen, Michael Dreyer, Clemens Krümmel, Franz Reitinger, Drehli Robnik, André Rottmann, Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt, Tanja Widmann.

Texts: Diedrich Diederichsen, Helmut Draxler, Michael Dreyer, Clemens Krümmel, Shaun Regan, Franz Reitinger, Drehli Robnik, André Rottmann, Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt, Peter de Voogd, Tanja Widmann.

#2007 #andrerottmann #christianphilippmuller #diedrichdiederichsen #helmutdraxler #josefstrau #juttakoether #louiselawler #marcelbroodthaers #martinkippenberger #maxbill #michaeldreyer #michaelkrebber #monikabaer #secession #tanjawidmann