Robert Herbert McClean
Published by Book Works, London, 2018, 20 pages, 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €9

‘Ohwnleeeinn Bellphasst wudyah b’borninn ahplace cauld Frendleee Whay wiffahfuckin myuralaffa bandahfukin terrroristz whanwiffah rauckettlawnchar whanwiffah ayedunnowha anh whan blade wiffah masheeengunn.
Frendleee Whay iffyur furrrtha rahpublikin cawz lak.

Whattzap frum Flukeyluke anh Daza mahcuzinn. Uppattah Sentraall Staishinn abowtaah gyett affah trane frumm Larrnn tha shitehoal werther wuzah yoovee-eff parrteee tha nite baahphore furr summ kunt ouwttah maggabbreee. Flukeyluke ohvarherd summ kunt slabbarinn tha therr wuz gunnah beeah striparr attah thiss parrteee.

Here, for Dialecty, Robert Herbert McClean presents us with a phonetic tale of Flukeyluke and Belfast friends.

Dialecty, conceived by Maria Fusco with The Common Guild, considers the uses of vernacular forms of speech and writing, exploring how dialect words, grammar and syntax challenge and improve traditional orthodoxies of critical writing.

#2018 #bookworks #experimentalwriting #mariafusco
Helen Nisbet
Published by Book Works, London, 2018, 16 pages, 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €9
  • ‘Shetland wis won by Harald Hårfagre, in da days whan
  • da Vikings wir settin oot in aa da aerts wi dir axes,
  • longboats and stinkin haps tied aboot dir backs. Dis cam eftir
  • da time dat giants roamed an fokk wid wakken in
  • dir beds tae hear bairns greetin wi a big wan clawed trow
  • comin in da bedroom window, tearin at dir throats.’

Helen Nisbet makes a return to family history and memories of Shetland and the displaced reverberations in her contemporary life.

Dialecty, conceived by Maria Fusco with The Common Guild, considers the uses of vernacular forms of speech and writing, exploring how dialect words, grammar and syntax challenge and improve traditional orthodoxies of critical writing.

#2018 #bookworks #experimentalwriting #mariafusco
Harry Josephine Giles & Martin O’Leary
Published by Book Works, London, 2018, 12 pages, 16 × 24 cm, English
Price: €9

Commissioned from open submission, Harry Josephine Giles & Martin O’Leary have used a neural network to produce poems that return to the vernacular language found in the ballads and poetry of nineteenth century Scotland and Northern England.

Harry Josephine Giles is a poet and performer and Martin O’Leary is a digital artist and designer: they came together from their different disciplines and perspectives over a shared interest in online texts, twitterbots, procedural generation and computer poetry.

Dialecty, conceived by Maria Fusco with The Common Guild, considers the uses of vernacular forms of speech and writing, exploring how dialect words, grammar and syntax challenge and improve traditional orthodoxies of critical writing.

#2018 #bookworks #experimentalwriting #mariafusco
Over-Beliefs: Collected Writing 2011-2018
Gordon Hall
Published by Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland, 2019, 52 pages (b/w ill.), 22 × 28.5 cm, English
Price: €10

Produced on the occasion of THROUGH AND THROUGH AND THROUGH, an exhibition of new work by Gordon Hall, curated by Roya Amirsoleymani and Kristan Kennedy, commissioned and presented by the Portland Institute for Contemporary Art in Portland, Oregon from 8 June–10 August, 2019.

With contributions by Roya Amirsoleymani, Kristan Kennedy, Sarah Workneh, Elizabeth Orr, Kristin Poor, Daniel Quiles, Colin Self, Maggie Ginestra, Orlando Tirado, David J. Getsy, Yuri Stone. Designed by Gary Robbins.

#2019 #gordonhall
Published by The Japan Association of Art Museums, Tokyo, 1992, 225 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 25 × 24 cm, Japanese
Price: €35 (Out of stock)

Comprehensive survey of early Japanese abstract painting (and photography). Including Koshiro Onchi, Iwata Nakayama, Saburo Hasegawa, Kiyoshi Koishi, Ryuichi Amano, Ei-Q and many more.

#abstractphotography #eiq #iwatanakayama #japaneseavantgarde #japanesephotography #kiyoshikoishi #koshiroonchi #ryuichiamano #saburohasegawa
Wild Plants of Palestine
Alaa Abu Asad
Published by Alaa Abu Asad, Maastricht, 2019, hand numbered edition of 25 (second edition), risograph print, unpaginated (b/w ill.), 14.5 × 20 cm, English
Price: €25

Wild Plants of Palestine follows journeys of observational tours solicited by the Palestinian Museum and conducted by two professors from Birzeit University to collect photos of and information on the Palestinian Flora. The title is adapted from a collection of 123 images (circa 1900 to 1920) of wild flowers in Palestine found in the Matson Collection in the Library of Congress. Despite the tendency to trace the wild plants, the text in general aims at questioning the territorial extension of what is meant by the term “Palestinian”, while standing on insignificant topographical features of the (postcolonial) landscape in West Bank. Furthermore, it addresses photography as a practice and a tool of distributing and restricting information at once.

#2019 #alaaabuasad #artistbook #photography