Isa Genzken
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln & Neue Nationalgalerie, Berlin, 2024, 330 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.5 × 30 cm, German
Price: €45

This comprehensive catalogue documents the installation of Isa Genzken’s eponymous exhibition at Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin, 13 July–27 November, 2023. Alongside many photographs, the catalogue assembles texts by Dieter Schwarz, Sabine Breitwieser, Manfred Hermes, Tom McDonough, Juliane Rebentisch, Isa Genzken, conversations with Isa Genzken and Wolfgang Tillmans, and Isa Genzken and Diedrich Diederichsen, a preface by Klaus Biesenbach and Lisa Botti, and a new essay by Diedrich Diederichsen. Designed by Julie Peeters, edited by Daniel Buchholz and Christopher Müller.

#2024 #christophermuller #danielbuchholz #diedrichdiederichsen #isagenzken #julianerebentisch #juliepeeters #tommcdonough #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #wolfgangtillmans
You thrive on mistaken identity (card)
Barbara Kruger
Published by Fotofolio, date unknown, card (b/w ill.), 11 × 15.5 cm, English
Price: €18

Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist and collagist associated with the Pictures Generation. She is recognized for her iconic collaged black-and-white photographs, overlaid with declarative captions. These phrases paired with such pronouns as “you,” “your, “I,” “we,” and “they,” address cultural constructions of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality. Kruger utilizies mass communication and advertising techniques to explore these issues and is aligned with with such feminist post modern artists as Jenny Holzer and Sherrie Levine who implement similar techniques.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#barbarakruger #ephemera #picturesgeneration
Your life is a perpetual insomnia (card)
Barbara Kruger
Published by Fotofolio, date unknown, card (b/w ill.), 11 × 15.5 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist and collagist associated with the Pictures Generation. She is recognized for her iconic collaged black-and-white photographs, overlaid with declarative captions. These phrases paired with such pronouns as “you,” “your, “I,” “we,” and “they,” address cultural constructions of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality. Kruger utilizies mass communication and advertising techniques to explore these issues and is aligned with with such feminist post modern artists as Jenny Holzer and Sherrie Levine who implement similar techniques.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#barbarakruger #ephemera #picturesgeneration
We will undo you (card)
Barbara Kruger
Published by Fotofolio, date unknown, card (b/w ill.), 11 × 15.5 cm, English
Price: €18

Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist and collagist associated with the Pictures Generation. She is recognized for her iconic collaged black-and-white photographs, overlaid with declarative captions. These phrases paired with such pronouns as “you,” “your, “I,” “we,” and “they,” address cultural constructions of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality. Kruger utilizies mass communication and advertising techniques to explore these issues and is aligned with with such feminist post modern artists as Jenny Holzer and Sherrie Levine who implement similar techniques.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#barbarakruger #ephemera #picturesgeneration
Your every wish is our command (card)
Barbara Kruger
Published by Fotofolio, date unknown, card (b/w ill.), 11 × 15.5 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist and collagist associated with the Pictures Generation. She is recognized for her iconic collaged black-and-white photographs, overlaid with declarative captions. These phrases paired with such pronouns as “you,” “your, “I,” “we,” and “they,” address cultural constructions of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality. Kruger utilizies mass communication and advertising techniques to explore these issues and is aligned with with such feminist post modern artists as Jenny Holzer and Sherrie Levine who implement similar techniques.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#barbarakruger #ephemera #picturesgeneration
I am your slice of life (card)
Barbara Kruger
Published by Fotofolio, date unknown, card (b/w ill.), 11 × 15.5 cm, English
Price: €18

Barbara Kruger is an American conceptual artist and collagist associated with the Pictures Generation. She is recognized for her iconic collaged black-and-white photographs, overlaid with declarative captions. These phrases paired with such pronouns as “you,” “your, “I,” “we,” and “they,” address cultural constructions of power, identity, consumerism, and sexuality. Kruger utilizies mass communication and advertising techniques to explore these issues and is aligned with with such feminist post modern artists as Jenny Holzer and Sherrie Levine who implement similar techniques.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#barbarakruger #ephemera #picturesgeneration