I hear the ancient music of works and works, yes, that’s it.
Vincent Fecteau & Florian Pumhösl
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2022, 69 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 25.5 cm, English
Price: €35

Produced on the occasion of the exhibitions at the Schindler House/MAK Center for Art and Architecture, Los Angeles and at our gallery in Berlin. It is designed by Florian Pumhösl and contains images of the installation at Schindler House and documentation of the exhibited works along with an introductory text by MAK curator Bärbel Vischer and a conversation between Vincent Fecteau and Florian Pumhösl.

#2022 #florianpumhosl #rudolphschindler #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #vincentfecteau
Carriers in Search of the Time-Tilted Weight
Nora Schultz
Published by Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 2007, foldout poster (b/w ill.), 16.5 × 10.6 cm (folded) 33 × 21.2 cm (unfolded), German
Price: €8

Invitation for Nora Schultz’s exhibition, Carriers in Search of the Time-Tilted Weight at Isabella Bortolozzi, Berlin, 2 October–2 November, 2007.

#2007 #ephemera #noraschultz
Het formaat van Man Ray
Published by Reflex, Utrecht, 1979, 12 pp., 8.5 × 15 cm, Dutch
Price: €12

Second edition. A booklet documenting K.Schippers’ visit to Man Ray in Paris.

#1979 #kschippers #manray
Das Wunder des Lebens
Jos de Gruyter & Harald Thys
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2014, 477 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 30 × 29 cm, English/German
Price: €25

Like a pictorial encyclopedia, Das Wunder des Lebens contains over four hundred drawings that show all that the modern world has to offer, from maps and city views to cars and airplanes. However, unlike conventional pictorial dictionaries, there is no symbolic system.

Copublished with Kunsthalle Wien and Kunsthalle Basel on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at the former, 7 February–4 May, 2014, and Projekt 13 at the latter, 16 January–14 March, 2010.

Designed by Antoine Begon and Boy Vereecken.

#2014 #antoinebegon #boyvereecken #josdegruyterandharaldthys #kunsthallebasel #kunsthallewien #sternbergpress
Ilke Gers
Published by the artist, Rotterdam, 2022, 16 pp. (b/w ill.), 14.6 × 20.7 cm, English
Price: €6
#2022 #ilkegers
Yves Klein
Published by Kunstverein Hannover, Hannover, 1971, 130 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 19 cm, German
Price: €20 (Out of stock)

Yves Klein was a French artist and an important figure in post-war European art. He was a leading member of the French artistic movement of Nouveau réalisme founded in 1960 by art critic Pierre Restany. Klein was a pioneer in the development of performance art, and is seen as an inspiration to and as a forerunner of minimal art, as well as pop art.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1971 #yvesklein