News Animations
Simone Forti
Published by Nero Editions, Rome, 2021, 232 pp. (b/w ill.), 12.8 × 19.5 cm, English
Price: €25

The book is the complete collection of Simone Forti’s News Animations, one of the works that best reveal her artistic practice. The news and, more broadly, the most pressing issues of the global socio-political situation, are used to explore the potential of language, its dimensions, and its combination with dance, movements, words, images, and music. Simone Forti has always “danced” the news, it’s the way she tells them. But, above all, it’s the way she internalizes them, feels them, and processes them. Through a stream of consciousness, the artist grants voice and body to thoughts about the world, its conflicts, war, injustices, and inequalities.

The volume collects Simone Forti’s News Animations from 1980 to 2018—through the transcriptions of the performances, images, and drawings—seeking to capture their spirit, their poetic stance and, mostly, understand how they manage to describe the society and the world we live in.

#2021 #dance #neroeditions #simoneforti
Twee two: recent werk/recent work
Aldo & Hannie van Eyck
Published by Beurs van Berlage, Amsterdam, 1989, 64 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 20 cm, Dutch/English
Price: €5 (Out of stock)

Aldo van Eyck was one of the most influential protagonists of the architectural movement Structuralism. From 1983 Van Eyck worked in association with his wife, Hannie. Their projects show a further liberation from CIAM rationalism and a passionate exploration of new possibilities in the fields of structure, form and colour.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1989 #aldoamphannievaneyck #architecture
Pale Fires and other Texts
Philippe Thomas
Published by MACBA, Barcelona, 2001, 237 pp. (b/w ill.), 13 × 20 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

This edition annotated by Alexis Vaillant includes a substantial selection of the writings that Philippe Thomas published in the course of his career and attributed to collectors of his work or to fictional or real characters, in keeping with the play on identities that was one of the fundamental elements of his artistic practice. The texts and the accompanying notes explore the way reality and fiction become blurred in the ready-mades by this French artist. In 1990, Thomas borrowed the title of a book by Vladimir Nabokov for his exhibition at the CAPC musée d’art contemporain de Bordeaux, Feux pâles, in which he fictionalised the authority of the museum and his own identity as an artist by turning his signature on the contract with the museum into the artwork. This is volume seven in the Llibres de recerca series and includes contributions by Marc Blondeau and Jean-Marc Avrilla.

#2001 #alexisvaillant #philippethomas #readymadesbelongtoeveryone
Tragedy of a Venus
Sanja Iveković
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2001, 36 pp. (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 29.2 cm, Croatian/English
Price: €18

Reprint of the publication originally published in 1976 for Sanja Ivekovic’s exhibition at The Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb.

Following in the autobiographical vein of her artist’s book Double Life, in Tragedy of a Venus Ivekovic presents a selection of photos of Marilyn Monroe coupled with similarly composed snapshots and posed photos of the artist from throughout her life.

#2001 #artistbook #sanjaivekovic #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Double Life 1959–1975
Sanja Iveković
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2001, 32 pp. (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 29.2 cm, Croatian/English
Price: €18 (Temporarily out of stock)

Reprint of the publication originally published in 1976 for Sanja Iveković’s exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb.

Dedicated to the series Double Life 1959–1975, where the artist juxtaposed pictures of herself culled from her private albums with commercial ads clipped from the pp. of popular magazines and newspapers. One part of each pair depicts Iveković through distinct periods of her life, enacting for the camera different poses, while the other part shows models advertising in women’s magazines such as Elle, Grazia, Brigitte, and Svijet.

#2001 #sanjaivekovic #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Tony Conrad
Published by Primary Information, New York, 2019, 576 pp., 12.7 × 18 cm, English
Price: €25 (Out of stock)

Writings is the first collection to widely survey this singular polymath’s prolific activity as a writer. The book spans the years 1961–2012 and includes fifty-seven pieces: essays originally published in small press magazines, exhibition catalogs, anthologies, and album liner notes, along with other previously unpublished texts. Conrad writes about his own work, with substantial contributions on The Flicker, Loose Connection, Four Violins, Articulation of Boolean Algebra for Film Opticals, Early Minimalism, Yellow Movies, Slapping Pythagoras, and Music and the Mind of the World, as well as that of his peers: Tony Oursler, Jack Smith, Rhys Chatham, and Henry Flynt, among others. He devotes critical essays both to grand subjects—horology, neurolinguistics, and the historical development of Western music—and more quotidian topics, such as television advertising and camouflage. Designed by Scott Ponik.

#2019 #experimentalfilm #experimentalmusic #jacksmith #primaryinformation #rhyschatham #scottponik #tonyconrad