Jon Bywater, Louise Menzies and Marnie Slater (after Chris Kraus)
Published by Paraguay Press, Paris, 2013, 16 pages, 16 × 22.5 cm, English
Price: €5 (Out of stock)

The 5th installment of The Social Life of the Book series is a an assemblage of text fragments taken from different books by LA-based writer Chris Kraus, conceived and annotated by artists and writers Jon Bywater, Louise Menzies and Marnie Slater. By reading through Kraus’s texts looking for traces of New Zealand, where she grew up, the three Kiwis question the representation of the distant; how it is embodied by characters, situations, language, and in the writing/reading dynamics Kraus creates.

The Social Life of the Book is a collection of commissioned texts dealing with books, and how they engage with the circulation of ideas and the agency of social situations. It brings together artists, publishers, writers, designers, booksellers, etc. who consider books less as finished objects or forms but for their disruptive potential and their ability to produce new relationships, new publics and new meanings.

Designed by Will Holder.

#2013 #jonbywater #louisemenzies #marnieslater #paraguaypress #thesociallifeofthebook #willholder