Empathy and Abstraction, (Excerpts)
Doug Ashford
Published by Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, Maastricht, 2013, 6 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €4

Doug Ashford is a teacher, artist and writer. Ashford’s principle visual practice from 1982 to 1996 was the artists’ collaborative Group Material that produced over 40 exhibitions and public projects internationally. Group Material developed the exhibition form into an artistic medium using display design and curatorial juxtaposition as a critical location where audiences were invited to imagine democratic forms. Since 1996, Ashford has continued to make paintings, write, and produce museum and public projects. His book Who Cares (Creative Time, 2006) is a publication built from a series of conversations between Ashford and an assembly of other cultural practitioners on public expression, beauty, and ethics.

Published in conjunction with the exhibition Tradition at Marres, Centre for Contemporary Culture, 16 March, 2013– 19 May, 2013 and Grazer Kunstverein, 7 June, 2013 –11 August, 2013.

#2013 #dougashford #grazerkunstverein #groupmaterial #kristgruijthuijsen