Tell Me When You Hear My Heart Stop
Susan Cianciolo
Published by Tutto, Melbourne, 2024, 52 pp. with French flaps and gatefolds throughout (colour & b/w ill.), 16.5 × 20.5 cm, English
Price: €30

Emerging from the 1990s New York fashion scene, Susan Cianciolo garnered a cult like following for her label RUN. Since exiting the fashion world in the early 2000s, Cianciolo has become renowned for making art that delves into memory and the spiritual. Fusing the language of textiles, painting, drawing and craft with the natural world she simultaneously conjures both the humble and the huge.

In this artist book, Cianciolo documents her love of trees and the land around Lovewell Lake and other lush areas that are particularly close to her and her family.

#2024 #fashion #susancianciolo #tutto
Dispersed Events. Selected Writings
Nick Mauss
Published by After 8 Books, Paris, 2024, 296 pp. (b/w ill.), 12 × 18.5 cm, English
Price: €20

Dispersed Events brings together for the first time Nick Mauss’ essays from the last fifteen years. Shimmering with the urgency of a new generation of queer thinkers, Mauss’ writing refracts contemporary art through histories of decorative art, film, theater, and dance.

An artist renowned for critically and poetically reconfiguring inherited genealogies and hierarchies of visual culture and art history, Mauss engages writing as a space for relentlessly activating counter-histories, repositioning the voice of the artist and the readers along the way. Whether he considers the practice of artist Lorraine O’Grady, the radical fashion of Susan Cianciolo, the anarcho-vaudevillian theater of Reza Abdoh, or the potential for textiles to disclose a different way of thinking, Mauss insists on the intense power of forms and feelings in their actual rather than enforced prehistories. Reevaluating experiments in fashion, dance, and the decorative arts on the same plane as painting, sculpture and cinema, he locates art as taking shape in the middle of conversations—“between art history and any afternoon.”

#2024 #after8books #florinestettheimer #ianwhite #jochenklein #lorraineogrady #nickmauss #nicolasmoufarrege #rezaabdoh #rosemarymayer #susancianciolo
Mommy Reader
Published by Yale Union, Portland, 2015, 152 pages, 13.7 × 20.3 cm, English
Price: €10 (Out of stock)

A publication printed on the occasion of MOMMY, a group show that considered the mother, with work by Lutz Bacher, Susan Cianciolo, Sonya Hamilton, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Eliot Porter, Jeff Preiss, Aura Rosenberg, Diane Simpson, Barbara T. Smith, Frances Stark, and Rosemarie Trockel. It also included new site-specific works by Cathy Wilkes and Anicka Yi, and a performance by Karin Schneider.

Selected writings by Lydia Davis, Doris Lessing, Elena Ferrante, Lisa Baraitser, Silvia Federici, Sara Ruddick, Judith Butler, Lee Edelman, Thomas Nagel, Anne Truitt, and Maggie Nelson.

A PDF of the reader can be downloaded here.

#2015 #annetruitt #annemievankerckhoven #aurarosenberg #barbaratsmith #cathywilkes #dianesimpson #dorislessing #eliotporter #francesstark #jeffpreiss #judithbutler #karinschneider #lutzbacher #lynnhershmanleeson #maggienelson #motherhood #rosemarietrockel #silviafederici #sonyahamilton #susancianciolo #yaleunion