Parables of Friendship
David Medalla
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2022, 300 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.6 × 33 cm, English/Italian/German
Price: €30

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition David Medalla: Parables of Friendship at Bonner Kunstverein, 18 September 2021–30 January 2022 & Museion, Bolzano, 9 April–14 September 2022. Curated by Fatima Hellberg and Steven Cairns. Exhibition design and architecture Michael Kleine.

The publication brings together previous unpublished writings of Medalla, interviews with the artists, alongside contributions by writers and academics including the Purissima Benitez-Johannot, Eva Bentheva, Gavin Jantjets, David Morris, Rasheed Araeen, amongst others along with visual material from the Medalla archives, the archive of art historian Guy Brett and David Medalla.

#2022 #bonnerkunstverein #davidmedalla #fatimahellberg #michaelkleine #rasheedaraeen #stevencairns