My sweet little lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise): Dedicated to Mladen Stilinović
Published by Sternberg Press, London, 2023, 456 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 28 cm, English
Price: €29

My sweet little lamb (Everything we see could also be otherwise) is a series of exhibition episodes based on the Kontakt Collection and dedicated to the artist Mladen Stilinović, unfolded in Zagreb and London in 2016–2017. This publication, conceived as a “post-episode” of the project, presents extensive visual documentation of the exhibitions alongside newly commissioned texts by theorists and writers Branislav Dimitrijević, Miguel A. López, Oxana Timofeeva, and Marina Vishmidt. Drawing on the legacy of the Eastern European neo-avantgarde and the work of Stilinović in particular, these contributions grapple with urgent questions about the value of art and exhibition making. Including the work of Mária Bartuszová, Stano Filko, Tina Gverović, Katalin Ladik, Sanja Iveković, Běla Kolářová, Július Koller, Edward Krasiński, Dóra Maurer, Goran Trbuljak, KwieKulik, Ivan Kožarić, Vlado Martek, Mangelos, Heimrad Bäcker, Stephen Willats.

#2023 #belakolarova #doramaurer #edwardkrasinski #gorantrbuljak #heimradbacker #ivankozaric #juliuskoller #katalinladik #kontaktcollection #kwiekulik #mangelos #mariabartuszova #mladenstilinovic #sanjaivekovic #stanofilko #stephenwillats #sternbergpress #tinagverovic #vladomartek
Works and Words
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam & de Appel, Amsterdam, 2018, 92 pp. (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €9

This publication is an unedited reprint of the catalogue originally published by de Appel in 1980 as a follow-up to the international art manifestation Works and Words. The event sought to break with the one-way traffic of Western artists traveling to the East by inviting artists from Eastern Bloc countries to Amsterdam. The invited artists, theoreticians, film-makers, and art historians represented a broad spectrum of practices, theoretical approaches, and developments. Including artists such as; KwieKulik (Zofia Kulik and Przemysłav Kwiek), Július Koller, Jiří Kovanda, Dóra Maurer, Sanja Iveković and Dalibor Martinis, Mladen Stilinovic, Jozef Robakowski amongst others.

You can find more information on the exhibition here.

#1980 #2018 #deappel #doramaurer #jirikovanda #jozefrobakowski #juliuskoller #kwiekulik #mladenstilinovic #nelldonkers #romapublications #sanjaivekovic
Tragedy of a Venus
Sanja Iveković
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2001, 36 pp. (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 29.2 cm, Croatian/English
Price: €18

Reprint of the publication originally published in 1976 for Sanja Ivekovic’s exhibition at The Gallery of Contemporary Art, Zagreb.

Following in the autobiographical vein of her artist’s book Double Life, in Tragedy of a Venus Ivekovic presents a selection of photos of Marilyn Monroe coupled with similarly composed snapshots and posed photos of the artist from throughout her life.

#2001 #artistbook #sanjaivekovic #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Double Life 1959–1975
Sanja Iveković
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2001, 32 pp. (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 29.2 cm, Croatian/English
Price: €18 (Temporarily out of stock)

Reprint of the publication originally published in 1976 for Sanja Iveković’s exhibition at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Zagreb.

Dedicated to the series Double Life 1959–1975, where the artist juxtaposed pictures of herself culled from her private albums with commercial ads clipped from the pp. of popular magazines and newspapers. One part of each pair depicts Iveković through distinct periods of her life, enacting for the camera different poses, while the other part shows models advertising in women’s magazines such as Elle, Grazia, Brigitte, and Svijet.

#2001 #sanjaivekovic #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
The Unexpected Subject: 1978 Art And Feminism In Italy
Published by Flash Art, Milan, 2019, 216 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 18 × 24 cm, Italian/English
Price: €33 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the eponymous exhibition at FM Centre for Contemporary Art, Milan, from 4 April–26 May, 2019. The Unexpected Subject. 1978 Art and Feminism in Italy recounts the Seventies as a key phase in the history of Italian art of the 20th century, during which the spread of feminist thinking stimulates a new critical awareness that encourages many female artists, curators and art historians to rethink their role in society, life and art.

With works by Tomaso Binga, Irma Blank, Hanne Darboven, Agnes Denes, Chiara Diamantini, Amelia Etlinger, Maria Ferrero Gussago, Simone Forti, Sanja Iveković, Joan Jonas, Ketty La Rocca, Katalin Ladik, Maria Lai, Marisa Merz, Carol Rama, Mira Schendel, Carolee Schneemann, Eleanor Schott, Mariuccia Secol, Mary Ellen Solt, Biljana Tomić amongst others.

#2019 #agnesdenes #carolrama #caroleeschneemann #irmablank #joanjonas #katalinladik #kettylarocca #marialai #marisamerz #maryellensolt #miraschendel #sanjaivekovic #simoneforti #tomasobinga
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2017, 428 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 30 cm, English
Price: €30

Kontakt is the first publication to provide an overview of the eponymous art collection that was founded in 2004 by Erste Group and ERSTE Foundation. This collection, which now consists of over 600 individual works with an emphasis on Eastern, Southeastern, and Central Europe, is portrayed via an array of diverse, mutually complementary approaches.

Featuring artists such as Maria Bartuszová, Maja Bajević, Anna Daučíková, VALIE EXPORT, Bela Kolářová, Jiří Kovanda, Daniel Knorr, Edward Krasiński, Stano Filko, Mladen Stilinović, Július Koller, Sanja Iveković, Katalin Ladik, Ivan Kožarić.

#2017 #annadaucikova #belakolarova #danielknorr #edwardkrasinski #ivankozaric #jirikovanda #juliuskoller #katalinladik #kontaktcollection #majabajevic #mariabartuszova #mladenstilinovic #sanjaivekovic #stanofilko #valieexport #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig