Art of The Eighties and Seventies
Michael Stevenson
Published by Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2006, 96 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 32 cm, English / German
Price: €28

Produced on the occasion of Michael Stevenson’s 2006 exhibition, Art of the Eighties and Seventies at the Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, referencing both Hans Hollein’s postmodern design of the museum and the 1978 Tehran gallery exhibition ‘Gold Bricks’, on short display during the outbreak of the revolution – a sculptural work by Armenian artist Zadik Zadikian which disappeared without a trace through looting. This exhibition was the first and only show of a gallery that Toni Shafrazi, who later became successful in New York, opened in Tehran in 1978.

#2006 #michaelstevenson #museumabteiberg #revolverpublishing
Ghislaine Leung
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 2021, box containing 3 A4 stapled documents, 6 cards, fluorescent lamp, usb cord, instructions and object (colour & b/w ill.), 16.3 × 20.7 cm, English / German
Price: €54

Produced on the occasion of Portraits a solo exhibition by Ghislaine Leung displayed at Museum Abteiberg from 3 June–24 October, 2021, curated by Susanne Titz and Haris Giannouras. The exhibition comprised of works commissioned by Museum Abteiberg and produced over the duration of a year from 2020–21. The catalogue references the legendary box catalogues developed by previous museum director Johannes Cladders with Joseph Beuys in 1967. With essays from Bruce Hainley and Eleanor Ivory Weber.

You can see a round table discussion of the exhibition featuring Bruce Hainley, Fatima Hellberg & Susanne Titz and Haris Giannouras here.

#2021 #brucehainley #eleanorivoryweber #ghislaineleung #harisgiannouras #johannescladders #museumabteiberg #susannetitz
R.H. Quaytman
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 2012, Hardcover boxed set of 61 color cards and 3 booklets (colour & b/w ill.), 16.5 × 21 cm, English / French / German
Price: €48

Chapter 24 illustrates 61 paintings from the exhibition of the same name at the Museum Abteiberg in Mönchengladbach, Germany, 3 June–4 November, 2012. This latest chapter employs a variety of images directly related to Museum Abteiberg and Mönchengladbach. Many of the paintings are made from the museum’s image archive, and photographs taken by the artist of works in the permanent collection. These images are presented alongside several small portraits of their custodian, chief curator Hannelore Kersting.

The boxed set of 61 cards depicts each painting accompanied by corresponding notes written by the artist about each image. Additionally, the box includes an essay on Chapter 24 by Mark Godfrey, a facsimile of Yve-Alain Bois’ early essay The Tree and the Square, plus the original 1977 version L’arbre et le carré, and a new German translation. The box format is a direct reference to the famous catalogues published by the Museum in Mönchengladbach under the direction of Johannes Cladders.

#2012 #johannescladders #museumabteiberg #rhquaytman #yvealainbois
Die Kassettenkataloge Des Städtischen Museums Mönchengladbach 1967–1978
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2021, 391 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 28 cm, German / English
Price: €44 (Temporarily out of stock)

For the first time, the 35 legendary box catalogues of Städtische Museum Mönchengladbach have been published as a book. Museum director Johannes Cladders developed the idea of catalogues in the form of a box with Joseph Beuys in 1967. Until 1978, Cladders worked closely with exhibiting artists to create such catalogues, which radically re-envisaged the traditional exhibition and museum publication. They embody the participatory approach of their time and instance a vision of a porous democratic work. Viewers are invited to actively participate in this artistic and institutional endeavour and engage both intellectually and physically. Researched by Susanne Rennert, designed by Petra Hollenbach, with photographs documenting all catalogues by Tobias Hohn & Stanton Taylor, and introductory essays by Susanne Rennert and Susanne Titz.

#2021 #blinkypalermo #bracodimitrijevic #danielburen #hanshollein #janniskounellis #johannescladders #josephbeuys #marcelbroodthaers #museumabteiberg #panamarenko #petrahollenbach #pieromanzoni #richardlong #tobiashohnampstantontaylor #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Six Months of Sour Gnossiennes
Evelyn Taocheng Wang
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 2020, 142 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 16 × 23 cm, English
Price: €20

Produced on the occasion of Evelyn Taocheng Wang’s residency and subsequent exhibition Sour Gnossiennes at the Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, 23 August–25 October, 2020.

During her six-month stay in Mönchengladbach, the artist developed a new body of work that consists of a series of drawings. The exhibition title refers to the small, poetic piano pieces by the French composer Erik Satie (1866–1925). Their melancholic mood reminds Evelyn Taocheng Wang of people quietly waiting for their bus on a grey and rainy day.

#2020 #evelyntaochengwang #museumabteiberg
Heetz, Nowak, Rehberger
Kai Althoff/Cosima von Bonin
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 1996, 68 pages (b/w ill.), 25 × 19 cm, English
Price: €18

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Heetz, Nowak, Rehberger at the Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, Germany, 24 November, 1996–19 January, 1997 and Museu de Arte Contemporânea da USP, Saõ Paulo, Brazil, April 8 – May 25, 1997. Artists include Kai Althoff, Cosima von Bonin, and Tobias Rehberger.

#1996 #cosimavonbonin #kaialthoff #museumabteiberg