Corrected Proofs: Previously Unpublished, Uncollected, Unwanted
Bob Nickas
Published by At Last Books, Copenhagen, 2023, 360 pp. (b/w ill.), 17 × 24 cm, English
Price: €35

Revenge publishing? A new genre? Or has it been around since writers first put pen to paper? Isn’t all writing to some degree a means to avenge an oversight or a rejection, intending to set the record straight? A number of pieces in this collection which were commissioned, accepted, and paid for, never appeared for one reason or another, whether devious or common: books don’t always cross the finish line. Years go by. Patience evaporates. Corrected Proofs aims to seek remedy. In addition to previously unpublished pieces, a number of essays and interviews were written specially for this collection: on Lutz Bacher and Charles Ray, with Arnold J. Kemp. There are heroes and villains, from the assassins John Wilkes Booth and Lee Harvey Oswald, to Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Cady Noland and Steven Parrino. Here the reader encounters usual suspects in unexpected context—Marcel Duchamp, Ed Ruscha and Andy Warhol—and artists recently rediscovered—Bob Smith and Stephen Varble—alongside Lee Lozano, the January 6 insurrection, and The Fall.

#2023 #andywarhol #atlastbooks #cadynoland #charlesray #edruscha #felixgonzaleztorres #johnmiller #leelozano #lutzbacher #marcelduchamp #robertnickas #stevenparrino
Published by M. + R. Fricke, Düsseldorf, 1988, 96 pp. (b/w ill.), 17 × 7 cm, German
Price: €45 (Out of stock)

Catalogue of multiples produced by M. + R. Fricke, Düsseldorf including the work of Arman, Joseph Beuys, George Brecht, Marcel Broodthaers, Christo, Irmel Droese Marcel Duchamp, Robert Filliou, Richard Hamilton, Dorothy Iannone, Yves Klein, Arthur Köpcke, Jannis Kounellis, Piero Manzoni, Maurizio Nannucci, Wolfgang Nestler, Claes Oldenburg, Dennis Oppenheim, Giulio Paolini, Man Ray, Gerhard Richter, Ulrike Rosenbach, Dieter Rot, P.J. Schermer, Daniel Spoerri, André Thomkins, Günther Uecker, Timm Ulrichs, Ben Vautier, Wolf Vostell, Andy Warhol.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#andrethomkins #andywarhol #arman #arthurkopcke #benvautier #christo #claesoldenburg #danielspoerri #dennisoppenheim #dieterrot #dorothyiannone #georgebrecht #gerhardrichter #giuliopaolini #guntheruecker #janniskounellis #josephbeuys #manray #marcelbroodthaers #marcelduchamp #maurizionannucci #pjschermer #pieromanzoni #richardhamilton #robertfilliou #timmulrichs #ulrikerosenbach #wolfvostell #wolfgangnestler #yvesklein
Kiyosato Museum of Contemporary Art
Archive I: Ephemera
Published by Edition Telescope, Kofu-City, 2023, 512 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 18.5 × 25.7 cm, Japanese/English
Price: €58 (Temporarily out of stock)

The Kiyosato Museum of Contemporary Art was a private museum that opened in Kiyosato, Yamanashi Prefecture in 1990 and closed in 2014. This book, focusing exclusively on the museum’s “Ephemera” collection, is the first volume of a series of archival books on the museum’s collection.

This volume includes the works of Yutaka Matsuzawa, Claes Oldenburg, Cy Twombly, Daniel Buren, Donald Judd, Ellsworth Kelly, Hanne Darboven, John Cage, Marcel Duchamp, Robert Rauschenberg, stanley brouwn, Tony Cragg, Wolfgang Laib, and many others.

#2023 #claesoldenburg #cytwombly #danielburen #donaldjudd #hannedarboven #johncage #marcelduchamp #robertrauschenberg #stanleybrouwn #tonycragg #wolfganglaib #yutakamatsuzawa