Unordnung herstellen (zweibändig)
André Cadere
Published by Kunstverein München, München & Neue Galerie Am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 1996, 80 pp. (colour &b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, German/French/Italian
Price: €44

Edited by Heike Kerstin Ander, and Dirk Snauwaert. Texts by André Cadere, and Bernard Marcelis; with an introduction by Dirk Snauwaert, and Peter Weibel. Accompanying second volume of Geschichte Einer Arbeit.

André Cadere belonged to a generation of European artists who contested the art object and institutional framework of the art world in which they operated. Best known for carrying his Barres de Bois Rond—Round Bars of Wood—wherever he went. His appearances at the most important private views of contemporary art across Europe became legendary. With his round bar of wood in hand he would intervene in a provocative way on other artists’ exhibitions in galleries and museums.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1996 #andrecadere #dirksnauwaert #kunstvereinmunchen
Unordnung herstellen (zweibändig)
André Cadere
Published by Kunstverein München, München & Neue Galerie Am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 1996, 80 pp. (colour &b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, German/French/Italian
Price: €50

Edited by Heike Kerstin Ander, and Dirk Snauwaert. Texts by André Cadere, and Bernard Marcelis; with an introduction by Dirk Snauwaert, and Peter Weibel. Accompanying second volume of Geschichte Einer Arbeit.

André Cadere belonged to a generation of European artists who contested the art object and institutional framework of the art world in which they operated. Best known for carrying his Barres de Bois Rond—Round Bars of Wood—wherever he went. His appearances at the most important private views of contemporary art across Europe became legendary. With his round bar of wood in hand he would intervene in a provocative way on other artists’ exhibitions in galleries and museums.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1996 #andrecadere #dirksnauwaert #kunstvereinmunchen
Geschichte Einer Arbeit
André Cadere
Published by Kunstverein München, München & Neue Galerie Am Landesmuseum Joanneum, Graz, 1996, 174 pp. (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €44 (Out of stock)

Edited by Heike Kerstin Ander, and Dirk Snauwaert.

André Cadere belonged to a generation of European artists who contested the art object and institutional framework of the art world in which they operated. Best known for carrying his Barres de Bois Rond—Round Bars of Wood—wherever he went. His appearances at the most important private views of contemporary art across Europe became legendary. With his round bar of wood in hand he would intervene in a provocative way on other artists’ exhibitions in galleries and museums.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1996 #andrecadere #dirksnauwaert #kunstvereinmunchen
Fragments, or just Moments
Tony Cokes
Published by Distanz Verlag, Berlin, 2022, 224 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 32 cm, German / English
Price: €36

Produced on the occasion of Tony Coke’s first institutional solo exhibition in Germany, a collaboration between Kunstverein München and Haus der Kunst. The thematic starting point for Cokes’s new productions is the ideological and propagandistic entanglements of both exhibition venues during the Nazi era as well as their cultural-political role in the context of the 20th Olympic Games in Munich in 1972.

The publication accompanies the eponymous exhibition and translates stills from the newly produced video essays into a book format while examining the significance of Cokes’s work in terms of a contemporary approach to institutional critique. The essays are written by Tina M. Campt and Tom Holert, with an introduction by Emma Enderby and Elena Setzer (Haus der Kunst) as well as Maurin Dietrich, Gloria Hasnay, and Gina Merz (Kunstverein München).

#2022 #gloriahasnay #kunstvereinmunchen #maurindietrich #tonycokes
Unbidden Tongues #3.1
Adrian Piper
Published by Unbidden Tongues, Rotterdam, 2022, folded poster (b/w ill.), 14.8 × 21 cm (folded) 42 × 59.4 cm (unfolded), English
Price: €3

Unbidden Tongues #3.1: Adrian Piper is a poster to accompany Unbidden Tongues #3: Adrian Piper: Necessary Questions. This poster, housed in the archive of Kunstverein München and announcing Piper’s exhibition there in 1992, was reprinted in February 2022 on the occasion of Unbidden Tongues’ participation in On and Off the Grid, a yearly program of presentations and events dedicated to various form(at)s of publishing at the Schaufenster am Hofgarten, Kunstverein München.

More information on the original exhibition can be found here.

#2022 #adrianpiper #ephemera #isabellesully #kunstvereinmunchen #unbiddentongues
Cutting Out Reading the New York Times
Lorraine O’Grady
Published by Unbidden Tongues, 2022, 12 pages (b/w ill.), 21.7 × 28 cm, English
Price: €4

Produced on the occasion of the event Unbidden Tongues #6: Cutting Out Reading the New York Times, Saturday, 9 April from 4–6pm. The event unfolded over a newly conceived spoken-word version of Lorraine O’Grady’s collage series Cutting Out the New York Times. The initial work consists of 26 “cut-out” or “found” newspaper poems that O’Grady made on consecutive Sundays from June to November in 1977.

It is the sixth title from Unbidden Tongues, a series edited by Isabelle Sully that focuses on previously produced yet relatively uncirculated work by cultural practitioners busy with questions surrounding civility and civic life—particularly so in relation to language.

#2022 #ephemera #isabellesully #kunstvereinmunchen #lorraineogrady #unbiddentongues