Unbecoming Forms, Works 1967–1974
Joachim Bandau
Published by Kunsthalle Basel, Basel & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, date, 192 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 21 cm, English
Price: €38

Joachim Bandau’s early sculptural works from the years 1967–1974 remain as strange and singular today as when he first made them. At once technoid and bodily, minimal and monstrous, often with couplings or hoses that resemble weirdly organic orifices and tentacles, these works address questions of agency, control, technology, and history in a way that is increasingly relevant to the present.

With texts by Joachim Bandau, Alexandra Bircken, Elena Filipovic, Martin Herbert, Renate Wagner. Designed by Petra Hollenbach.

#2021 #alexandrabircken #elenafilipovic #joachimbandau #kunsthallebasel #martinherbert #petrahollenbach #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig