Eine Gesellschaft des Geschmacks
Andrea Fraser
Published by Kunstverein München, München, 1993, 124 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 26 × 24 cm, German/English
Price: €45 (Temporarily out of stock)

In 1993 the US-American artist Andrea Fraser realised the exhibition project Eine Gesellschaft des Geschmacks with and at the Kunstverein München. In the run-up to it she interviewed Helmut Draxler and board members of the Kunstverein on questions of self-conception and taste. She arranged the answers into an audio collage that could be heard in the Kunstverein’s exhibition rooms, the written version was printed in a publication. Artworks borrowed from the board members that were partly mentioned in the audio installation were also part of the exhibition and publication.

Designed by Andrea Fraser and Anahita Krzyzanowski.

#1993 #andreafraser #helmutdraxler #kunstvereinmunchen
Heimo Zobernig
Published by Verlag für moderne Kunst, Vienna, 2014, 96 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 30 cm, German/English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Heimo Zobernig, Mudam Luxembourg, 21 April–7 September & kestnergesellschaft Hannover, 21 November, 2014–2 February, 2015.

Heimo Zobernig (*1958 in Mauthen, Austria) occupies a central position in contemporary art with his diverse, genre- spanning work. The artist, who lives in Vienna, works with painting, sculpture, architecture, graphic and furniture design, video, performance and music. He often uses everyday materials such as cardboard, styrofoam, pressboard, linen and fluorescent lights to create his objects and spatial interventions. The unpretentious material, coupled with a simple, geometric use of forms, contributes to the soberly pragmatic impression.

With texts from Heinrich Dietz, Helmut Draxler, Veit Görner, Enrico Lunghi and Clément Minighetti.

#2014 #heimozobernig #helmutdraxler #kestnergesellschaft
Leon Filter
Published by August Verlag, Berlin, 2014, 134 pp. (b/w ill.), 10 × 16 cm, German
Price: €9

Biegen is an artist book in which the author researches the centuries-old cultural technique of „Bäume-biegen“ (Tree bending), which was used as a material education in shipbuilding and agriculture for the  production of tools and complex components. Researching European forests, archives and libraries produced a collection of sketches, photographs, notes, historical illustrations and drawings presented here in the form of a journal.

With an essay by Helmut Draxler. In cooperation with the Merz Akademie.

#2014 #helmutdraxler #leonfilter #theory
Shandyismus, Autorschaft als Genre
Helmut Draxler
Published by Secession, Vienna and Merz Akadamie, Stuttgart, 2007, 332 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 30 cm, German/English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Published on the occasion of the exhibition Shandyismus, Autorschaft als Genre curated by Helmut Draxler, Secession, Vienna, 22 February–15 April, 2007.

The exhibition Shandyismus. Autorschaft als Genre refers to Laurence Sterne’s novel The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman from the 18th century. It will focus on Shandyism as a phenomenon or position, reflecting the diversity of points of contact with the media. A number of existing art works will be shown that express the methodological idiom of Shandyism. At the same time, artists have been invited to develop a “Shandyesque intervention” for the exhibition.

Artists: Monika Baer, Georg Baselitz, Bernadette Corporation, Max Bill, Marcel Broodthaers, Marcel Duchamp, Jack Goldstein, Gareth James, Sergej Jensen, Chuck Jones, David Jourdan, Jutta Koether, Louise Lawler, Olia Lialina und Dragan Espenschied, Robert Frank, Martin Kippenberger, Michael Krebber, Christian Philipp Müller, Michael Schuster, Josef Strau, Franz West sowie , Diedrich Diederichsen, Michael Dreyer, Clemens Krümmel, Franz Reitinger, Drehli Robnik, André Rottmann, Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt, Tanja Widmann.

Texts: Diedrich Diederichsen, Helmut Draxler, Michael Dreyer, Clemens Krümmel, Shaun Regan, Franz Reitinger, Drehli Robnik, André Rottmann, Astrit Schmidt-Burkhardt, Peter de Voogd, Tanja Widmann.

#2007 #andrerottmann #christianphilippmuller #diedrichdiederichsen #helmutdraxler #josefstrau #juttakoether #louiselawler #marcelbroodthaers #martinkippenberger #maxbill #michaeldreyer #michaelkrebber #monikabaer #secession #tanjawidmann
Structures of Response. Adrian Piper’s Transformation of Minimalism
Helmut Draxler
Published by S*I*G Verlag, Berlin, 2018, 22 pp. (colour ill.), stapled, 14 × 21 cm, English
Price: €5

Essay #5 in the series by S*I*G Verlag. Designed in collaboration with Sara De Bondt. Edited by Megan Francis Sullivan.

#2018 #adrianpiper #helmutdraxler #meganfrancissullivan #sigverlag #saradebondt