The Infinite Library:
Books 1–50
Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda
Published by New Documents, Los Angeles & Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, 2022, 228 pp. + 22 loose inserts (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 33 cm, English/German
Price: €55

Begun in 2007 by artists Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda, The Infinite Library is composed of an archive of over 100 books made through the recombination of pages from one or more found publications. Each book is dismantled, modified, and reorganized. Pictures and pages—momentarily out of order—are brought together to shape yet another whole. The concept for each new volume develops gradually, starting from the content of the original book and the associations that unfold in the process of making.

This publication fully catalogues the first 50 books in the series, and contains over 1600 photographic illustrations, 20 color inserted sheets, and a contextualizing essay by writer Brian Dillon.

#2022 #badischerkunstverein #briandillon #danielgustavcramer #harisepaminonda #newdocuments
Old News No. 7
Daniel Gustav Cramer & Haris Epaminonda
Published by Pork Salad Press, Copenhagen, 2010, 12 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 28 × 39 cm, English
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

“For the past six months we have collected and looked at hundreds of newspapers, from different countries, in different languages. In all these papers the same events were described over and over again from slightly shifted angles. Oil gushing out into the fragile eco system of the Gulf of Mexico, daily fatalities in a war without solution in Afghanistan, the coldest winter, the hottest summer, yet among those sharp voices we stumbled upon some beautifully bland images, silent messengers that reminded us of moments and places somewhere out there, far away from us sitting here, on the floor, surrounded by newspapers.”

Old News is a project about information, media and recycled, reprinted news. It is a non-profit newspaper presenting a selection of articles, images and words clipped from newspapers. The articles have all been chosen by individual artists for the purpose of redistributing the news. Old News is a second-generation, copyright-free newspaper.

#2010 #danielgustavcramer #harisepaminonda
Haris Epaminonda
Published by Bom Dia Boa Tarde Boa Noite, Berlin, 2019, 120 pages (colour & b/w ill.) with five paper inserts, 23.5 × 29.5 cm, English, French
Price: €27 (Temporarily out of stock)

The publication is a collaborative project bewtween Frac Île-de-France, the Cypriot artist Haris Epaminonda, and the Berlin designers Santiago da Silva and Simon Steinberger.

It recounts and translates the experience of the exhibition VOL. XVI, presented at Le Plateau in 2015, for which the artist had created a global environment. Through a series of parallel actions the whole exhibition was connecting the interior and exterior with the presence of an old Japanese man “living” in the exhibition and with two young women dressed in traditional Japanese costumes who were walking in the des Buttes-Chaumont Park in Paris.

With texts by Philippe Artières, Chris Sharp and Aurélie Verdier.

#2019 #bomdiaboatardeboanoite #chrissharp #harisepaminonda
Early Summer The End of Summer Late Autumn
Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda
Published by Mousse Publishing, Milan, 2014, 140 pages (colour ill.), hardcover, 28 x 21.5 cm, English
Price: €38

Early Summer The End of Summer Late Autumn is a monographic book presenting the cumulative result of a three-partite project by Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda. The two artists collaborated on a triptych of exhibitions that had as its starting point a series of observations and interpretations on the work of Japanese filmmaker Yasujiro Ozu. Late Autumn (Samsa, Berlin, 2010), The End of Summer (dOCUMENTA (13), Kassel, 2012) and Early Summer (Kunsthalle Lissabon, Lisbon, 2012) were intended as a single, larger project in which Ozu’s way of composing image and time was addressed and explored by the artists in an ongoing narrative that intersects all three exhibitions. This monograph, co-published with Kunsthalle Lissabon, thus not only constitutes the afterlife of their project, but also and above all, its conclusion. The book has become the only place in which the visual narrative conceived by the artists is made visible; through the book, space and time are finally aligned, thereby allowing readers to gain a more comprehensive insight into the project’s scope, which up until this point had only ever been partially understandable, as an inevitable result of the segmented nature of each individual exhibition.

#2014 #danielgustavcramer #harisepaminonda #moussepublishing
Chapters I–XXX
Haris Epaminonda
Published by Humboldt Books, Milan, 2014, 23 × 31 cm, hardcover folder containing a booklet with 24 film stills (colour) and 30 posters (colour & b/w ill.), English
Price: €90

Haris Epaminonda uses video and film, collage, photography, books and objects in an extensive process of assembling and disassembling appropriated materials to reconstruct non-linear narratives. The artist works with found images from the past – sometimes faded travel photographs, or the pages of old nature magazines, ethnographic artifacts or footage from forgotten television programmes. Epaminonda then manipulates the images, cutting and layering, to create new works that feel wholly part of the present.

In tracing some of the notions and narratives embedded in Chapters, a 16 mm film shot in Cyprus in 2012, the idea of making a book came about as an exercise, or rather an experiment, to deconstruct the film into some of its subject matters. Embarking on a new set of associations between image and subject, source and information, meaning and abstraction, this book is both a document and a memory map, tracing the beginnings of a thought, a time, an image, a place.

Chapters I–XXX is published and presented in conjunction with the exhibitions Haris Epaminonda. Chapter IV at Fondazione Querini Stampalia, Venice, 14 March–18 May 2014; Haris Epaminonda. Vol. XIV at Galleria Massimo Minini, Brescia, 25 March–18 May, 2014.

#2014 #harisepaminonda #humboldtbooks