Reports from the Conceptual Paradise
Stefan Römer
Published by Edition Metzel, Munich, 2007, 68 pp. (b/w ill.), 13.8 × 19.7 cm, German/English
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced following the film project Conceptual Paradise, for which Stefan Römer conducted numerous interviews with internationally outstanding artists and art theorists for four years. With short texts by the artists interviewed in the film including; artists: Vito Acconci, Art & Language (Michael Baldwin, Mel Ramsden), Michael Asher, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Hartmut Bitomsky, Mel Bochner, Gregg Bordowitz, Klaus vom Bruch, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Luis Camnitzer, Jan Dibbets, Mark Dion, Sam Durant, Valie EXPORT, Stano Filko, Andrea Fraser, Liam Gillick, Dan Graham, Renée Green, Shilpa Gupta, Hans Haacke, Július Koller, Jiří Kovanda, Joseph Kosuth, Sonia Khurana, David Lamelas, Sol LeWitt, Thomas Locher, Marcel Odenbach, Yoko Ono, John Miller, Christian Philipp Muller, Adrian Piper, Yvonne Rainer, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Peter Weibel, Lawrence Weiner, Stephen Willats, Heimo Zobernig and curators/theorists: Alexander Alberro, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Sabeth Buchmann, Charles Harrison (Art & Language), Geeta Kapoor, Geert Lovink, Seth Siegelaub, Gregor Stemmrich.

A trailer for the film can be seen here.

#adrianpiper #allansekula #andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #danielburen #hanshaacke #heimozobernig #jirikovanda #johnbaldessari #josephkosuth #juliuskoller #lawrenceweiner #luiscamnitzer #michaelasher #reneegreen #sethsiegelaub #stanofilko #stephenwillats #valieexport #yvonnerainer