Kontext Kunst: Kunst der 90er Jahre
Peter Weibel
Published by DuMont, Köln, 1993, 618 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 24.5 cm, German
Price: €85

Catalogue of the decade-defining exhibition Kontext Kunst: The Art of the 90s at Neue Galerie im Künstlerhaus, Graz, 2 October – 7 November, 1993, curated by Peter Weibel. The exhibition proposed (early in the decade) that art practice in the 1990s focused on methods and practices of ‘contextualization’ as opposed to the classic didactic, ideological functions of traditional art. Exhibited artists included: Fareed Armaly, Cosima von Bonin, Tom Burr, Clegg & Guttmann, Meg Cranston, Mark Dion, Peter Fend, Andrea Fraser, Inspection Medhermeneutics, Ronald Jones, Louise Lawler, Thomas Locher, Dorit Margreiter, Kasimir Malewitsch, Katrin von Maltzahn, Regina Möller, Reinhard Mucha, Christian Philipp Müller, Anton Olschwang, Hirsch Perlman, Dan Peterman, Adrian Piper, Mathias Poledna, Stephan Prina, Florian Pumhösl, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Julia Scher, Oliver Schwarz, Jason Simon, Rudolf Stingel, Lincoln Tobier, Olga Tschernyschewa, Christopher Williams, Peter Zimmermann, Heimo Zobernig.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #christopherwilliams #cleggampguttmann #cosimavonbonin #doritmargreiter #fareedarmaly #florianpumhosl #gerwaldrockenschaub #heimozobernig #inspectionmedhermeneutics #juliascher #louiselawler #markdion #peterfend #reinhardmucha #ronaldjones #stephanprina #thomaslocher #tomburr
Gerwald Rockenschaub
Published by Galerie nächst St. Stephan, Vienna, 1986, card (colour ill.), 15 × 21 cm, German
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Invitation card produced on the occasion of Gerwald Rockenschaub’s exhibition at Galerie nächst St. Stephan, Vienna, 3 May–22 June, 1986.

Gerwald Rockenschaub works within a formal repertoire that he began developing in the 1980s when he was a central figure in the emerging “neo-geo” (neo-geometric conceptualism) movement. Uniquely influenced by his work as a techno DJ and composer of electronic music, Rockenschaub absorbs the everyday imagery and forms of logos, traffic signs, and pictograms to produce sculptures, wall installations, and animations that render an aura of hyperrealist perfection.

#1986 #ephemera #gerwaldrockenschaub #painting
Gerwald Rockenschaub
Published by Galerie nächst St. Stephan, Vienna, 1986, unpaginated (colour ill.), 21 × 22 cm, German
Price: €19 (Out of stock)

Publication produced on the occasion of Gerwald Rockenschaub’s exhibition at Galerie nächst St. Stephan, Vienna, 3 May–22 June, 1986.

Gerwald Rockenschaub works within a formal repertoire that he began developing in the 1980s when he was a central figure in the emerging “neo-geo” (neo-geometric conceptualism) movement. Uniquely influenced by his work as a techno DJ and composer of electronic music, Rockenschaub absorbs the everyday imagery and forms of logos, traffic signs, and pictograms to produce sculptures, wall installations, and animations that render an aura of hyperrealist perfection.

#1986 #gerwaldrockenschaub #painting
The IMAGE in Singular
Published by Amer Gallery, Vienna, 1987, 32 pages (b/w ill.), 20 × 25 cm, German
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition The IMAGE in Singular at Amer Gallery, Vienna, 27 October–28 November, 1987. Including the artists; Fareed Armaly, Alan Belcher, Larry Johnson, David Robbins, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Wolfgang Schrom, Josef Strau and Heimo Zobernig.

#1987 #fareedarmaly #gerwaldrockenschaub #heimozobernig #josefstrau #larryjohnson