De la nature des genres
Ger van Elk
Published by Magasin, Centre National D'art Contemporain De Grenoble, 1988, unpaginated (colour & b/w ill.), 26.9 × 21 cm, French
Price: €26

Produced on the occasion of Ger van Elk’s exhibition De la nature des genres at Magasin – Centre National D’art Contemporain De Grenoble, 30 April – 26 June, 1988.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1988 #gervanelk
Arte Povera: Conceptual, Actual or Impossible Art?
Germano Celant
Published by Studio Vista, London, 1969, 240 pp. (b/w ill.), 23.5 × 21.5 cm, English
Price: €140 (Out of stock)

Featuring the work of Walter de Maria, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Stephen Kaltenbach, Richard Long, Mario Merz, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Beuys, Eva Hesse, Michael Heizer, Ger van Elk, Jannis Kounellis, Lawrence Weiner, Luciano Fabro, Bruce Naumann, Joseph Kosuth, Jan Dibbets, Giovanni Anselmo, Robert Barry, Pier Paolo Calzolari, Dennis Oppenheim, Barry Flanagan, Robert Smithson, Giulio Paolini, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Alighiero Boetti, Keith Sonnier, Giuseppe Penone, Franz Erhard Walther, Hans Haacke, Gilberto Zorio, Robert Morris, Marinus Boezem, Carl Andre, Emilio Prini, Richard Serra.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#alighieroboetti #artepovera #barryflanagan #brucenauman #dennisoppenheim #douglashuebler #emilioprini #evahesse #franzerhardwalther #gervanelk #germanocelant #gilbertozorio #giovannianselmo #giuliopaolini #giuseppepenone #hanshaacke #jandibbets #janniskounellis #josephbeuys #josephkosuth #keithsonnier #lawrenceweiner #lucianofabro #mariomerz #michaelheizer #michelangelopistoletto #pierpaolocalzolari #reinerruthenbeck #richardlong #richardserra #robertbarry #robertsmithson #stephenkaltenbach #walterdemaria
Art & Project
A History
Published by nai010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2023, 512 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €69 (Temporarily out of stock)

For over 33 years, the Amsterdam gallery Art & Project (1968–1998) was a focal point in the development of contemporary art in the Netherlands. Featuring artists such as stanley brouwn, Hanne Darboven, Daniel Buren, Marcel Broodthaers, Ian Wilson, Bas Jan Ader, Yutaka Matsuzawa, Jan Dibbets, Gilbert & George, Richard Long, Ger van Elk, Charlotte Posenenske, and Lawrence Weiner.

To draw attention to their exhibitions, Art & Project produced a total of 156 bulletins. These bulletins soon became an experimental medium, becoming a vehicle for the ideas of conceptual artists and sometimes functioned as a conceptual work of art in its own right.

#artampproject #basjanader #charlotteposenenske #danielburen #gervanelk #gilbertampgeorge #hannedarboven #ianwilson #jandibbets #lawrenceweiner #marcelbroodthaers #richardlong #stanleybrouwn #yutakamatsuzawa