Mens Loopt op Planeet Aarde / Man Walking Planet Earth
stanley brouwn
Published by the Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, 2017, 12.5 × 38 cm, folded concertina pamphlet, Dutch/English
Price: €3 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion ofstanley brouwn: Mens Loopt op Planeet Aarde/Man Walking Planet Earth, at the Stedelijk Museum, Schiedam, 14 October, 2017–21 January, 2018.

“Where other artists give free rein to paint or pencil, stanley brouwn (1935-2017) opted for ‘distance’ and ‘measurement’ as media. His work is about directions and distances and how to move within that context. His first museological exhibition in the Stedelijk Museum Schiedam was in 1970. The exhibition Man Walking Planet Earth, close on half a century later, is a tribute to the artist who evolved into one of the most prominent conceptual artists in the world. He died in May 2017.”—exhibition press release

#2017 #ephemera #stanleybrouwn
I Can No Longer Drink Tea
Paul Elliman
Published by Colophon and CasCo, Utrecht, 2012, two (b/w) double-sided fold out posters, 85 × 60 cm (unfolded size)
Price: €10 (Out of stock)

British artist Paul Elliman has consistently engaged with the production and performance of language as a material component of the socially constructed environment. In a world where objects and people are equally subject to the force fields of mass production, Elliman explores the range of human expression as kind of typography.

Published as a contribution to David Bennewith’s exhibition Latent Stare at CasCo, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2012.

#2012 #casco #davidbennewith #ephemera #paulelliman