Harun Farocki
Published by 1856, Melbourne, 2018, 4 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €2

Catalogue for a season of film screenings at Melbourne Cinematheque focusing on the work of Harun Farocki, presented by 1856.

Designed by Lucas Quigley.

You can find more on the program here.

#1856 #2018 #ephemera #harunfarocki #lucasquigley #nicholastammens
Patricia L. Boyd
Published by 1856, Melbourne, 2018, 4 pages, 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €2

Catalogue for an exhibition of new work made by Patricia L. Boyd in Melbourne, presented across two locations: at Victorian Trades Hall and a coworking creative office space 225 Queensberry St, Carlton.

Designed by Beaziyt Worcou.

You can find more on the exhibition here.

#1856 #2018 #beaziytworcou #ephemera #nicholastammens #patricialboyd
Published by Fridericianum, Kassel, 2015, 48 pages, softcover (stapled), 12 × 20 cm, English/German
Price: €3 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Inhuman, 29 March–14 June, 2015. Curated by Susanne Pfeffer. Artists include: Julieta Aranda, Dora Budor, Andrea Crespo, Nicolas Deshayes, Aleksandra Domanović, David Douard, Jana Euler, Cécile B. Evans, Melanie Gilligan, Oliver Laric, Johannes Paul Raether, Pamela Rosenkranz, Stewart Uoo, Lu Yang, Anicka Yi.

The artists participating in the exhibition “Inhuman” offer visions of the human being as a socially trained yet resistant body, transcending biologically or socially determined gender classifications, as a digitally immortal entity, or as a constantly evolving self. They visualize the constructs that define what is human and shift existing perspectives on human subjectivity and the body, thereby questioning the primacy of the human being at a fundamental level.

Designed by ZAK Group.

#2015 #aleksandradomanovic #anickayi #cecilebevans #daviddouard #ephemera #fridericianumkassel #janaeuler #melaniegilligan #nicolasdeshayes #oliverlaric #pamelarosenkranz #stewartuoo #susannepfeffer
Anicka Yi
Published by Fridericianum, Kassel, 2016, 44 pages (colour ill.), stapled booklet, 18.5 × 29.5 cm, English/German
Price: €6 (Out of stock)
In her work, Anicka Yi explores life forms, organisms and microbiological processes with “multinatural perspectivism”. The exhibition booklet explores further the clashes and unions between natural and artificial bringing Yi’s work together with illustrations by British botanist Margaret Mee, a pioneer in environmental activism in the Amazon Basin. The double sided booklet which can be read in English or German contains the exhibition guide, the essay The Notion of Species in History and Anthropology by Eduardo Viveiros de Castello and the script of Yi’s film The Flavour Genome.
#2016 #anickayi #ephemera #fridericianumkassel #zakgroup
Burning Window
Jack Goldstein
Published by Corps de Garde, Groningen, 1978, postcard, 14.7 × 10.3 cm, English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Exhibition postcard from Jack Goldstein’s exhibition Burning Window at Corps de Garde, Groningen, Netherlands 12 August–9 September, 1978

#1978 #ephemera #jackgoldstein
John Chamberlain
Published by Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, Köln, 1967, 4 pages (b/w ill.), 15 × 20.2 cm, German
Price: €55

Produced on the occasion of John Chamberlain’s exhibition Skulpturen at Galerie Rudolf Zwirner, Köln, 10 October 1967.

#1967 #ephemera #johnchamberlain