Africa-Arctic Flyway: Physiocratic States
Peter Fend
Published by Sternberg Press, London, 2022, 256 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 17 × 24 cm, English
Price: €30

American artist Peter Fend (born 1950) founded the Ocean Earth Construction and Development Corporation (“OCEAN EARTH”) in 1980, a legally incorporated successor to an artist venture initiated in 1979 to deliver art ideas and practices to real-world clients. The firm launched its worldwide business with a 1982 show at The Kitchen, NY called Art of the State.

Africa-Arctic Flyway: Physiocratic States is Fend’s first major publication since 1993’s Ocean Earth. It features projects and proposals located on the bird and insect flyways from Sub-Saharan Africa through Europe to the Arctic. Made over the past three decades, these projects take the form of extensive writing, his ubiquitous poetic “wordstacks,” and Fend’s signature cut-out maps, sketches, and installation views of sculptures.

Edited by Elisa R. Linn, Lennart Wolff. Designed by Dan Solbach.

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