Unbecoming Forms, Works 1967–1974
Joachim Bandau
Published by Kunsthalle Basel, Basel & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, date, 192 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 21 cm, English
Price: €38

Joachim Bandau’s early sculptural works from the years 1967–1974 remain as strange and singular today as when he first made them. At once technoid and bodily, minimal and monstrous, often with couplings or hoses that resemble weirdly organic orifices and tentacles, these works address questions of agency, control, technology, and history in a way that is increasingly relevant to the present.

With texts by Joachim Bandau, Alexandra Bircken, Elena Filipovic, Martin Herbert, Renate Wagner. Designed by Petra Hollenbach.

#2021 #alexandrabircken #elenafilipovic #joachimbandau #kunsthallebasel #martinherbert #petrahollenbach #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Untitled, 2010
Tomo Savić-Gecan
Published by Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, 2010, 66 pages and card insert (colour & b/w ill.), 15 × 21 cm, English / Norwegian
Price: €12

Produced on the occasion of Tomo Savić-Gecan’s exhibition Untitled, 2010 at Bergen Kunsthall, 8 October–22 December, 2010, curated by Elena Filipovic.

Tomo Savić-Gecan constructs artworks that literally exist between present and future, here and there, between one public space and another, and between the minds of a viewer, wherever they might be, and the institutional space of the exhibition, which might happen to be somewhere else. For instance, as when he devised a situation so that visitors to an exhibition about the theme of “economy” were asked to decide on the entrance price for the visitor that would enter immediately after him or her (Untitled, 2000). Or as in his piece shown in Venice for the 2005 Biennale, where a line of text on an exhibition space’s wall recounted that the number of visitors at that very moment entering an art centre in Amsterdam was impacting the temperature of a public pool in Tallinn (the pool having been programmed to receive the real time information and alter its temperature in relation to it), (Untitled, 2005).

Designed by Manuel Raeder and Manuel Goller.

More information on the project can be found here.

#2010 #elenafilipovic #studiomanuelraeder #tomosavicgecan