Les Couleurs: sculptures. Les Formes: peintures
Daniel Buren
Published by The Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax & Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris, 1981, 79 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23.5 × 30 cm, French
Price: €19 (Out of stock)

Documents Daniel Buren’s projects Les Couleurs : Sculptures, 1975 and Les Formes : Peintures, 1977, both at the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.

With contributions from Daniel Buren, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Jean-François Lyotard, and Jean-Hubert Martin. Cover design by Michael Asher & John Salmen.

You can see more on both bodies of work here and here.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1981 #benjaminhdbuchloh #danielburen #jeanfrancoislyotard #michaelasher #novascotiacollegeofartanddesign
Daniel Buren
Published by Rijksmuseum Kröller Muller, Otterlo, 1976, leporello, unpaginated (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 29.4 cm (unfolded 123 × 29.4 cm), French / Dutch
Price: €23 (Out of stock)

Produced as part of the three part exhibition Hier-vanaf-elders (Here-from-elsewhere) by Daniel Buren held concurrently over three different museums. Each museum was assigned a part of the overall title: hier in the Stedelijk Amsterdam, vanaf in the Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller and elders in the Van Abbemuseum Eindhoven. Buren created a geographical triangle that connected the museums. In each museum, he marked a point of the triangle in the exhibition space using the striped awning canvas that is so characteristic for him. and each museum was given its own colour.

#1976 #danielburen
Die Kassettenkataloge Des Städtischen Museums Mönchengladbach 1967–1978
Published by Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach & Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2021, 391 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 28 cm, German / English
Price: €44 (Temporarily out of stock)

For the first time, the 35 legendary box catalogues of Städtische Museum Mönchengladbach have been published as a book. Museum director Johannes Cladders developed the idea of catalogues in the form of a box with Joseph Beuys in 1967. Until 1978, Cladders worked closely with exhibiting artists to create such catalogues, which radically re-envisaged the traditional exhibition and museum publication. They embody the participatory approach of their time and instance a vision of a porous democratic work. Viewers are invited to actively participate in this artistic and institutional endeavour and engage both intellectually and physically. Researched by Susanne Rennert, designed by Petra Hollenbach, with photographs documenting all catalogues by Tobias Hohn & Stanton Taylor, and introductory essays by Susanne Rennert and Susanne Titz.

#2021 #blinkypalermo #bracodimitrijevic #danielburen #hanshollein #janniskounellis #johannescladders #josephbeuys #marcelbroodthaers #museumabteiberg #panamarenko #petrahollenbach #pieromanzoni #richardlong #tobiashohnampstantontaylor #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Mobil, autonom, vernetzt
Barbara Preisig
Published by Edition Metzel, München, 2018, 240 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €38 (Out of stock)

The publication Mobil, autonom, vernetzt, Kritik und ökonomische Innovation in Ephemera der Konzeptkunst, 1966–1975 deals with the advertisements and exhibition announcements printed by Jan Dibbets, Adrian Piper, Daniel Buren and Eleanor Antin between 1966 and 1975. These ephemera—simultaneously works of art, advertising instruments, and documentations for artistic actions—are exemplary for the communication-based, flexible, and mobile practice of conceptual art. A 2015 interview with Barbara Preisig discussing ephemera can be found here.

#2018 #adrianpiper #barbarapreisig #danielburen #eleanorantin #jandibbets
Documenta 5
Published by Verlag Documenta GmbH, Kassel, 1972, 850 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 27.5 × 32 cm, German
Price: €150 (Out of stock)

Catalogue produced for Documenta 5, 30 June and 8 October 1972 in Kassel, Germany. The artistic director Harald Szeemann channeled many of the curatorial concepts for the exhibition into the design of the catalogue itself.

Including artists such as; Art & Language, Bernd & Hilla Becher, Hanne Darboven, Hans Haacke, Edward Kienholz, David Lamelas, Agnes Martin, Paul Thek, Franz Erhard Walther, La Monte Young, & Marian Zazeela, Richard Tuttle, Paul Sharits, Gustav Metzger, Mario Merz, Joan Jonas, Eva Hesse, Dan Graham, Joseph Cornell, Tony Conrad, Stan Brakhage, KP Brehmer, James Lee Byars, Daniel Buren, stanley brouwn, Lothar Baumgarten amongst others.

Cover designed by Ed Ruscha.

#1972 #artamplanguage #berndamphillabecher #danielburen #documenta #edruscha #edwardkienholz #franzerhardwalther #gustavmetzger #hannedarboven #hanshaacke #haraldszeemann #joanjonas #josephcornell #kpbrehmer #lotharbaumgarten #mariomerz #paulsharits #paulthek #stanleybrouwn #tonyconrad
Reports from the Conceptual Paradise
Stefan Römer
Published by Edition Metzel, Munich, 2007, 68 pages (b/w ill.), 13.8 × 19.7 cm, German / English
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced following the film project Conceptual Paradise, for which Stefan Römer conducted numerous interviews with internationally outstanding artists and art theorists for four years. With short texts by the artists interviewed in the film including; artists: Vito Acconci, Art & Language (Michael Baldwin, Mel Ramsden), Michael Asher, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Hartmut Bitomsky, Mel Bochner, Gregg Bordowitz, Klaus vom Bruch, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Luis Camnitzer, Jan Dibbets, Mark Dion, Sam Durant, Valie EXPORT, Stano Filko, Andrea Fraser, Liam Gillick, Dan Graham, Renée Green, Shilpa Gupta, Hans Haacke, Július Koller, Jiří Kovanda, Joseph Kosuth, Sonia Khurana, David Lamelas, Sol LeWitt, Thomas Locher, Marcel Odenbach, Yoko Ono, John Miller, Christian Philipp Muller, Adrian Piper, Yvonne Rainer, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Peter Weibel, Lawrence Weiner, Stephen Willats, Heimo Zobernig and curators/theorists: Alexander Alberro, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Sabeth Buchmann, Charles Harrison (Art & Language), Geeta Kapoor, Geert Lovink, Seth Siegelaub, Gregor Stemmrich.

A trailer for the film can be seen here.

#adrianpiper #allansekula #andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #danielburen #hanshaacke #heimozobernig #jirikovanda #johnbaldessari #josephkosuth #juliuskoller #lawrenceweiner #luiscamnitzer #michaelasher #reneegreen #sethsiegelaub #stanofilko #stephenwillats #valieexport #yvonnerainer