Art & Project
A History
Published by nai010 Publishers, Rotterdam, 2023, 512 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €69 (Temporarily out of stock)

For over 33 years, the Amsterdam gallery Art & Project (1968–1998) was a focal point in the development of contemporary art in the Netherlands. Featuring artists such as stanley brouwn, Hanne Darboven, Daniel Buren, Marcel Broodthaers, Ian Wilson, Bas Jan Ader, Yutaka Matsuzawa, Jan Dibbets, Gilbert & George, Richard Long, Ger van Elk, Charlotte Posenenske, and Lawrence Weiner.

To draw attention to their exhibitions, Art & Project produced a total of 156 bulletins. These bulletins soon became an experimental medium, becoming a vehicle for the ideas of conceptual artists and sometimes functioned as a conceptual work of art in its own right.

#artampproject #basjanader #charlotteposenenske #danielburen #gervanelk #gilbertampgeorge #hannedarboven #ianwilson #jandibbets #lawrenceweiner #marcelbroodthaers #richardlong #stanleybrouwn #yutakamatsuzawa
Initiales #05
Andrea Fraser
Published by École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon, Lyon, 2015, 160 pages (b/w ill.), 22.5 × 30 cm, French
Price: €15

Initiales is an art and research biannual magazine published by the École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts de Lyon, the fifth issue is dedicated to Andrea Fraser. With contributions by Kader Attia, Eva Barto, Daniel Buren, Claire Fontaine, Dora García, Thomas Hirschhorn, Sven Lütticken, Chus Martínez, Jean-Luc Moulène amongst others.

#2015 #andreafraser #chusmartinez #clairefontaine #danielburen #doragarcia #evabarto #jeanlucmoulene #svenlutticken
July, August, September 1969
Seth Siegelaub (ed.)
Published by Seth Siegelaub, New York, 1969, 32 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 27.5 cm, English / French / German
Price: €250

Publication for an international exhibition in which 11 artists each made a work in a different part of Europe & North American between July–September 1969, which served as the guide to the location and description of each work. The participating artists were: Carl Andre in the Hague, Robert Barry in Baltimore, Daniel Buren in Paris, Jan Dibbets in Amsterdam, Douglas Huebler in Los Angeles, Joseph Kosuth in New Mexico, Sol Lewitt in Düsseldorf, Richard Long in Bristol, N.E. Thing Co. Ltd. in Vancouver, Robert Smithson in Yucatan and Lawrence Weiner in Niagara Falls.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership

#1969 #carlandre #danielburen #douglashuebler #jandibbets #josephkosuth #lawrenceweiner #nethingcoltd #richardlong #robertbarry #robertsmithson #sethsiegelaub #sollewitt
The Halifax Conference
Published by New Documents, Los Angeles, 2019, 184 pages (b/w ill.), 12 × 19 cm, English
Price: €18

The Halifax Conference presents a transcript of a conference held at the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design on October 5–6, 1970, transcribed and adapted by artist Craig Leonard.

Organized by Seth Siegelaub, the Conference was conceived as a means of bringing about a “meeting of artists…[from] diverse art making experiences and art positions…in as general a situation as possible.” Infamously, the conference was held in the college’s boardroom, while students and other interested parties watched the proceedings on a video monitor in a separate space. The result was a conversation that devolved—technologically and ideologically—into a quasi-tragicomic farce, punctuated by remarkable moments of rupture initiated by activist resistance to the Conference from the outside and dissenting voices from within.

Attendees at the conference included Carl Andre, Joseph Beuys, Ronald Bladen, Daniel Buren, Gene Davis, Jan Dibbets, Al Held, Mario Merz, Robert Morris, Robert Murray, N.E.Thing Co. (Iain and Ingrid Baxter), Richard Serra, Richard Smith, Robert Smithson, Michael Snow, and Lawrence Weiner.

#2019 #alheld #carlandre #danielburen #jandibbets #josephbeuys #mariomerz #michaelsnow #newdocuments #novascotiacollegeofartanddesign #richardserra #robertmorris #robertsmithson #sethsiegelaub
Discover Daniel Buren in Graça
Ricardo Valentim
Published by the artist, 2020, leperello (colour & b/w ill.), 14 × 21.5 cm (folded), 84 × 21.5 cm (unfolded) English
Price: €120

“If you love contemporary art, particularly conceptual art, this promises to be an unforgettable experience unlike anything else you will find in Lisbon. We will be visiting five locations in the colourful neighbourhood of Graça, located in the heart of the city, where I currently live. This is also where the acclaimed French artist Daniel Buren presented his famous artwork Affichages Sauvages in 1980. Though it is considered an important work within the history of contemporary art produced in Portugal, it is virtually unknown among broad audiences. When Buren came to Lisbon forty years ago, he pasted posters bearing his signature stripes on the tiled walls of several Graça buildings. On this guided visit, we will see the sites where these no longer extant works were originally located, followed by a private viewing of one of the actual posters at my place near the breathtaking Miradouro da Graça. Refreshments will be served.”

You can see the Airbnb link here.

#2020 #danielburen #ephemera #ricardovalentim
Über Daniel Buren
Jean-François Lyotard
Published by Edition Patricia Schwarz / Galerie Kubinski, Stuttgart, 1987, 84 pages (b/w ill.), 13.6 × 20 cm, German
Price: €10

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1987 #danielburen #jeanfrancoislyotard