Kontext Kunst: Kunst der 90er Jahre
Peter Weibel
Published by DuMont, Köln, 1993, 618 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 24.5 cm, German
Price: €85

Catalogue of the decade-defining exhibition Kontext Kunst: The Art of the 90s at Neue Galerie im Künstlerhaus, Graz, 2 October – 7 November, 1993, curated by Peter Weibel. The exhibition proposed (early in the decade) that art practice in the 1990s focused on methods and practices of ‘contextualization’ as opposed to the classic didactic, ideological functions of traditional art. Exhibited artists included: Fareed Armaly, Cosima von Bonin, Tom Burr, Clegg & Guttmann, Meg Cranston, Mark Dion, Peter Fend, Andrea Fraser, Inspection Medhermeneutics, Ronald Jones, Louise Lawler, Thomas Locher, Dorit Margreiter, Kasimir Malewitsch, Katrin von Maltzahn, Regina Möller, Reinhard Mucha, Christian Philipp Müller, Anton Olschwang, Hirsch Perlman, Dan Peterman, Adrian Piper, Mathias Poledna, Stephan Prina, Florian Pumhösl, Gerwald Rockenschaub, Julia Scher, Oliver Schwarz, Jason Simon, Rudolf Stingel, Lincoln Tobier, Olga Tschernyschewa, Christopher Williams, Peter Zimmermann, Heimo Zobernig.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #christopherwilliams #cleggampguttmann #cosimavonbonin #doritmargreiter #fareedarmaly #florianpumhosl #gerwaldrockenschaub #heimozobernig #inspectionmedhermeneutics #juliascher #louiselawler #markdion #peterfend #reinhardmucha #ronaldjones #stephanprina #thomaslocher #tomburr
Dealing with—Some Texts, Images, and Thoughts Related to American Fine Arts, Co.
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2012, 80 pages (b/w ill.), 21.5 × 28 cm, English
Price: €16

The New York gallery American Fine Arts, Co.—whose name today is largely synonymous with that of its gallerist, Colin de Land (1955–2003)—represents a gallery practice in which a decided deviation from conventional models overlaps with successful activities within the framework of the art market. Today, American Fine Arts, Co. and de Land figure as uncontested projection screens for the desire for independence from or bohemian resistance against the dictate of the market.

Texts by Andrea Fraser, Manfred Hermes, Karl Holmqvist & Tobias Kaspar, Isla Leaver-Yap, Jackie McAllister, James Meyer & Christian Philipp Müller, Magnus Schäfer, Axel John Wieder, Phillip Zach; conversation between Colin de Land, Josef Strau, and Stephan Dillemuth; introduction by Hannes Loichinger and Magnus Schäfer.

#2012 #andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #colindeland #hannesloichinger #islaleaveryap #josefstrau #magnusschaefer #stephandillemuth #sternbergpress #valerieknoll
A Balancing Act
Christian Philipp Müller
Published by documenta, Kassel, 1997, foldout pamphlet (b/w ill.), 10 × 21 cm (folded), German / English
Price: €12

Produced on the occasion of Christian Philipp Müller’s participation in documenta X in 1997, where he presented A Balancing Act, which took as its point of departure Joseph Beuys’ 7000 Oaks and Walter de Maria’s Vertical Earth Kilometer.

Christian Philipp Müller is a Berlin-based Swiss conceptual artist whose practice examines a range of issues from social and aesthetic concerns to design, national histories, and the institutional framing of culture. His projects are usually collaborative, interdisciplinary, and site-specific.

You can read more on the work (from October Vol. 82 (Autumn, 1997) here.

#1997 #christianphilippmuller #documenta #ephemera
Kunst und Freundschaft
Christian Philipp Müller & Ricardo Valentim
Published by Galerie Lars Friedrich, Berlin, 2021, card, 23 × 16 cm, German
Price: €1

Invitation produced on the occasion of Kunst und Freundschaft, a two-person exhibition by Christian Philipp Müller and Ricardo Valentim at Galerie Lars Friedrich, Berlin, 30 April–12 June, 2021.

The friendship between Müller and Valentim began when they first met in 2008 at Manifesta 7 (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy). Though Müller now lives in Berlin, and Valentim is currently in Lisbon, for many years both artists were based in New York, where they spent much time together visiting exhibitions and discussing their shared interests including art history, the culinary arts, travel, design, and typography. Though they had not previously considered doing a show together, Kunst und Freundschaft was triggered in part by this ongoing friendship. This exhibition not only situates their friendship and links between their practices, but it also comments on the social networks that define and support art production.

More information and documentation of the exhibition can be found here.

#2021 #christianphilippmuller #ephemera #galerielarsfriedrich #ricardovalentim
Kunst und Freundschaft
Christian Philipp Müller & Ricardo Valentim
Published by Galerie Lars Friedrich, Berlin, 2021, unpaginated (b/w ill.), 23 × 16 cm, English
Price: €16

Produced on the occasion of Kunst und Freundschaft, a two-person exhibition by Christian Philipp Müller and Ricardo Valentim at Galerie Lars Friedrich, Berlin, 30 April–12 June, 2021.

The friendship between Müller and Valentim began when they first met in 2008 at Manifesta 7 (Trentino-Alto Adige, Italy). Though Müller now lives in Berlin, and Valentim is currently in Lisbon, for many years both artists were based in New York, where they spent much time together visiting exhibitions and discussing their shared interests including art history, the culinary arts, travel, design, and typography. Though they had not previously considered doing a show together, Kunst und Freundschaft was triggered in part by this ongoing friendship. This exhibition not only situates their friendship and links between their practices, but it also comments on the social networks that define and support art production.

More information and documentation of the exhibition can be found here.

#2021 #christianphilippmuller #galerielarsfriedrich #ricardovalentim
Reports from the Conceptual Paradise
Stefan Römer
Published by Edition Metzel, Munich, 2007, 68 pages (b/w ill.), 13.8 × 19.7 cm, German / English
Price: €15 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced following the film project Conceptual Paradise, for which Stefan Römer conducted numerous interviews with internationally outstanding artists and art theorists for four years. With short texts by the artists interviewed in the film including; artists: Vito Acconci, Art & Language (Michael Baldwin, Mel Ramsden), Michael Asher, John Baldessari, Robert Barry, Hartmut Bitomsky, Mel Bochner, Gregg Bordowitz, Klaus vom Bruch, Daniel Buren, Victor Burgin, Luis Camnitzer, Jan Dibbets, Mark Dion, Sam Durant, Valie EXPORT, Stano Filko, Andrea Fraser, Liam Gillick, Dan Graham, Renée Green, Shilpa Gupta, Hans Haacke, Július Koller, Jiří Kovanda, Joseph Kosuth, Sonia Khurana, David Lamelas, Sol LeWitt, Thomas Locher, Marcel Odenbach, Yoko Ono, John Miller, Christian Philipp Muller, Adrian Piper, Yvonne Rainer, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Martha Rosler, Allan Sekula, Peter Weibel, Lawrence Weiner, Stephen Willats, Heimo Zobernig and curators/theorists: Alexander Alberro, Benjamin H.D. Buchloh, Sabeth Buchmann, Charles Harrison (Art & Language), Geeta Kapoor, Geert Lovink, Seth Siegelaub, Gregor Stemmrich.

A trailer for the film can be seen here.

#adrianpiper #allansekula #andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #danielburen #hanshaacke #heimozobernig #jirikovanda #johnbaldessari #josephkosuth #juliuskoller #lawrenceweiner #luiscamnitzer #michaelasher #reneegreen #sethsiegelaub #stanofilko #stephenwillats #valieexport #yvonnerainer