The Infinite Library:
Books 1–50
Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda
Published by New Documents, Los Angeles & Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, 2022, 228 pp. + 22 loose inserts (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 33 cm, English/German
Price: €55

Begun in 2007 by artists Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda, The Infinite Library is composed of an archive of over 100 books made through the recombination of pages from one or more found publications. Each book is dismantled, modified, and reorganized. Pictures and pages—momentarily out of order—are brought together to shape yet another whole. The concept for each new volume develops gradually, starting from the content of the original book and the associations that unfold in the process of making.

This publication fully catalogues the first 50 books in the series, and contains over 1600 photographic illustrations, 20 color inserted sheets, and a contextualizing essay by writer Brian Dillon.

#2022 #badischerkunstverein #briandillon #danielgustavcramer #harisepaminonda #newdocuments
Ding und Körper
Michaela Meise
Published by Walther König, Köln, 2012, 184 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21.2 × 27.2 cm, German / English
Price: €28 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Michaela Meise’s exhibition Ding und Körper 30 January–29 March, 2009 at the Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe.

Michaela Meise works in the formats of video, drawing, performance and sculpture. She investigates principles of sculptural and architectural arrangement, both in terms of their creative realization and in relation to their political and social contexts. Her works make reference to aspects of a Minimalist or Post-Minimalist art which she transfers onto everyday housing- and living-spaces. With this “applied Minimalism,” Meise is able to study structures of balance, movement, rhythm or design down to the smallest details, and to connect them to moments of private remembrance.—Badischer Kunstverein press release

Designed by Heimann und Schwantes.

#2012 #badischerkunstverein #michaelameise