The Infinite Library:
Books 1–50
Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda
Published by New Documents, Los Angeles & Badischer Kunstverein, Karlsruhe, 2022, 228 pp. + 22 loose inserts (colour & b/w ill.), 24 × 33 cm, English/German
Price: €55

Begun in 2007 by artists Daniel Gustav Cramer and Haris Epaminonda, The Infinite Library is composed of an archive of over 100 books made through the recombination of pages from one or more found publications. Each book is dismantled, modified, and reorganized. Pictures and pages—momentarily out of order—are brought together to shape yet another whole. The concept for each new volume develops gradually, starting from the content of the original book and the associations that unfold in the process of making.

This publication fully catalogues the first 50 books in the series, and contains over 1600 photographic illustrations, 20 color inserted sheets, and a contextualizing essay by writer Brian Dillon.

#2022 #badischerkunstverein #briandillon #danielgustavcramer #harisepaminonda #newdocuments
Your Best Interest Is My Priority, So Stop Ignoring Me, You Can’t
Koenraad Dedobbeleer
Published by Keijiban, Kanazawa, 2022, edition of 77 numbered copies, twelve postcards in a paper folder and wrap-around band (colour & b/w ill.), 14 × 18.3 cm (folded), 32 × 24.2 (unfolded), English
Price: €76

Dedobbeleer is known for his sculptures and installations in which everyday objects (such as lamp, key holder, door knob, or plant pot) are modified, assembled, and recontextualized with a distinctive tongue-in-cheek—and at times even burlesque—spirit. Adorned with absurd (randomly chosen) titles, his works can be seen as joyful collisions of language and matter. Yet, this approach is not merely an act of formal entertainment. Nourished by an in-depth knowledge of art history and (seemingly) inexhaustible technical resources, the artist’s work establishes an ongoing dialogue with a broader tradition of sculpture, including its relation to architecture, industrial design, DIY culture, images, and book making.

#2022 #artistbook #keijiban #koenraaddedobbeleer
Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti
Luigi Ghirri
Published by Mack Books, London, 2022, 288 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 22.5 × 25.5 cm, English/Italian
Price: €65

Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti offers an account of Luigi Ghirri’s relationship with Puglia — a distinctive region, which was pivotal in establishing Ghirri’s career and continued to inspire him throughout it. A first visit in 1982 introduced Ghirri to Puglia’s whitewashed streets, luminescent nights, doorways and arches, potted cacti, funfairs, and beaches, as well as a group of artists, critics, and curators who would become his close friends and collaborators. Over the following decade, Ghirri returned to the area almost every year, photographing, exhibiting, and deepening his understanding of its subtle terrain.

#2022 #luigighirri #mackbooks #photography
Exzentrische 80er
Tabea Blumenschein, Hilka Nordhausen, Rabe Perplexum
Published by b_books, Berlin, 2022, 372 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 18.3 × 24 cm, German/English
Price: €22

Tabea Blumenschein (1952–2020), Hilka Nordhausen(1949–1993), and Rabe perplexum (1956–1996) were eccentric artists of the eighties – they deviated from norms and operated outside of the centre in subcultural milieus. They worked in friendly constellations in the cities of Berlin, Hamburg, and Munich. Blumenschein, Nordhausen, and perplexum represented images of gender and identity that weren’t recognized at the time and lived their sexual orientations in a non-conformist manner.

Their lives and works are activated here by contemporary artists Ergül Cengiz (3 Hamburger Frauen), Philipp Gufler, and Angela Stiegler in a series of images and texts.

#2022 #bbooks #hilkanordhausen #philippgufler #rabeperplexum #tabeablumenschein
Ceiling Blues
Patricia L. Boyd
Published by Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2022, 192 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 18 × 10.5 cm, English
Price: €26 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Patricia L. Boyd: Ceiling Analysis at Secession Vienna, 18 November, 2022 – 15 February, 2023.

Borrowing its format from fabric sample books, Ceiling Blues contains photographed fragments of frottages, silkscreen prints, and casts—tests, made in preparation for her exhibition, reproduced in 1:1 scale. “The samples here are not single samples of what can exist in quantity, as with samples from a roll of fabric that has a pattern that repeats. They are single samples from what is singular. They are excerpts of draft versions of a potential work that remains unfound.”—Patricia L. Boyd

#2022 #patricialboyd #revolverpublishing #secession
Dineo Seshee Bopape
Published by Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2022, 256 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 11 × 16.5 cm, English
Price: €17 (Out of stock)

With her “notebook of dreams” Dineo Seshee Bopape transports you into the world of African scents. The book has been left mostly unprinted, but each right-hand page is coated with a scented print varnish manufactured using a traditional hydro-distillation technique out of the material of earthenware clay vessels to simulate the fragrance of parched soil and withered plants after a rainstorm. Reinforcing this sense perception associated with powerful emotions and memories, a QR code opens an audio file recorded by Bopape that enhances the experience of rain with an acoustic dimension.

#2022 #dineosesheebopape #revolverpublishing #secession