Archive Matters
Valie Export
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2021, 436 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 22 × 33 cm, English / German
Price: €49

VALIE EXPORT Archive Matters provides a first insight into the holdings of the artist’s premature legacy. It seeks to contextualize archival material with the works of art. Moreover, it documents the archive’s presentations in the exhibitions in Linz, Berlin and Montréal between 2017 and 2021, showing not only the rich archival material but also experimental forms of display in relation to the format of the archive. The extensive publication containing numerous illustrations and texts is being published as volume 2 within the VALIE EXPORT Center Linz publication series.

#2021 #sabinefolie #valieexport #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Published by Encens, Paris, 2021, unpaginated (colour & b/w ill.), 20.5 × 26.5 cm, English
Price: €24

Published twice a year since 2002, Encens is focused on fashion as artform from the perspective of designers rather than trends. The magazine investigate new forms of dressing from past to present with probing interviews, extensive use of photography and vintage, and dynamic layout. This issue features Hed Mayner, Anne-Marie Beretta, Claudia Skoda, David Bowie, Lutz Huelle, Stephanie Danan, Justin Kern, Dal Chodha, Christopher Andrews and Giorgio Armani

#2021 #encens #fashion #hedmayner
From Work to Frame, or, Is There Life After “The Death of the Author”?
Craig Owens
Published by S*I*G Verlag, Berlin, 2021, 32 & 40 pages, 15 × 21 cm, English/German
Price: €10

The focus of Owens’ essay From Work to Frame, or, Is There Life After “The Death of the Author”? is how artistic production finds its conditions for success within a social universe, and therefore is an acknowledgement of conditions related to production and reception while incorporating an understanding of how authorship in artistic work can be realized. The shift goes, as the title announces, from the work to the frame, and at the same time to a determination of those conditions that make works appear as frames.

From Work to Frame was first published in English and Swedish in 1987 in the catalogue for the exhibition Implosion: A Postmodern Perspective at the Moderna Museet in Stockholm. As S*I*G #12, the text is published in English and in its first German translation, alongside a preface by Hannes Loichinger, who is editor of this issue.

#2021 #craigowens #hannesloichinger #sigverlag
Gen Kay
Published by the artist, Melbourne, 2021, 24 pages (b/w ill.), 22 × 29 cm, English
Price: €27

Sunflowers collates seventeen photographs by Gen Kay, taken in her makeshift home studio, which intimately observe and document the natural arc of the sunflower; one moment bold and brilliant, the next reticent and retreating. These photographs invite the viewer to reflect on these iterations and recognise nature’s arresting ability to capture human emotion with nuance. Both a visual metaphor of the transformative times we have endured and an ode to the power of a classical still life image, Sunflowers seeks to trace the dynamic melodies that lie within us all. Limited edition of 100. Hand numbered and signed.

#2021 #genkay #photography
Sarah Rapson
Published by Secession, Vienna, 2021, card (colour & b/w ill.), 10.5 × 14.7 cm, English
Price: €4

Produced on the occasion of Sarah Rapson’s exhibition Ode To Psyche at Secession, Vienna, November 20, 2021– February 20, 2022.

#2021 #ephemera #sarahrapson #secession
Divine Drudgery
James Richards, Leslie Thornton
Published by Lenz Press, Milan; Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn; Malmö Konsthall, Malmö & Künstlerhaus Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 2021, 160 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21.9 × 28.5 cm, English
Price: €25 (Temporarily out of stock)

Divine Drudgery is an artist book with collages and artworks by James Richards and Leslie Thornton, and contributions by artists, writers and poets centred around liminality and the aesthetics and politics of the invisible. These dialogues and strands are anchored in and loop back to three exhibitions developed by the editors: Speed (Künstlerhaus Stuttgart), Speed II (Malmö Konsthall), and The Holding Environment (Bonner Kunstverein), and radiate outwards.

Works and contributions by Horst Ademeit, Rae Armantrout, Tolia Astakhishvili, Ed Atkins, Kirsty Bell, Adelhyd van Bender, Bruce Conner, Fatima Hellberg, Mason Leaver-Yap, Veit Loers, Terence McCormack, James Richards, Jens Thornton, Leslie Thornton, Thomas Zummer.

Edited by Fatima Hellberg, James Richards, Leslie Thornton. Designed by Karl Kolbitz & Nicoletta Dalfino Spinelli. Published with Bonner Kunstverein, Malmö Konsthall and Künstlerhaus Stuttgart.

#2021 #bonnerkunstverein #edatkins #fatimahellberg #jamesrichards #kirstybell #kunstlerhausstuttgart #lenzpress #lesliethornton #raearmantrout #toliaastakhishvili