The Boiled in Between
Helen Marten
Published by Prototype Publishing, London, 2020, 200 pp., 11.4 × 17.8 cm, English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

The Boiled in Between is the debut novel by Turner Prize-winning artist Helen Marten, an ambitious literary work full of beauty and sorrow. It is a novel told in the action of persistence and questioning: how the rhythms of a world built upon metaphor and symbolism can collide with relationships personal and domestic.

Helen Marten is an artist based in London. She was included in the 55th and 56th International Venice Biennales and in 2016 won both the Turner Prize and the inaugural Hepworth Prize for Sculpture.

#2020 #fiction #helenmarten
David Homewood (Ed.)
Published by Guzzler, Melbourne, 2020, 168 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 15 × 22.5 cm, English
Price: €40

Carpark was an exhibition-for-documentation by David Homewood, Luke Sands and Alex Vivian that was held over three Tuesday mornings, 4th October, 18th October and 1st November 2016, at Kew Junction Woolworths underground carpark.

Included in this publication are various texts by Daniel Dawson: theories and conspiracies, shopping lists, debt lists and inventories, confessions, poems, posts, rants and stories that were written between 2014 and 2019 along with an essay by Justin Clemens. Designed by Alexandra Margetic.

#2020 #alexvivian #davidhomewood #justinclemens #lukesands
Dear Clay
Stéphanie Baechler
Published by Building Fictions, Amsterdam, 2020, 240 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 28 cm, with 3 embroidered bookmarks and loose envelope, English
Price: €30 (Out of stock)

Dear Clay gathers a selection of spreads extracted from Stéphanie Baechler’s meticulous sketchbooks displayed in chronological order (2013–2019), as well as 35mm photographs documenting her working process. Providing an intimate insight into her artistic practice, it reveals what facilitates the work from its conception to its making, transportation, and installation.

With texts by Zoë Dankert, Stéphanie Baechler, Jan Verwoert and Rudy Guedj. Designed by Rudy Guedj and Laura Pappa.

#2020 #buildingfictions #janverwoert #laurapappa #rudyguedj
Night Philosophy
Fanny Howe
Published by Divided Publishing, Brussels, 2020, 96 pp., 13.9 × 21.6 cm, English
Price: €13 (Temporarily out of stock)

Night Philosophy is collected around the figure of the child, the figure of the child not just as a little person under the tutelage of adults, but also the submerged one, who knows, who is without power, who doesn’t matter. The book proposes a minor politics that disperses all concentrations of power. Howe chronicles the weak and persistent, those who never assimilate at the cost of having another group to dominate

#2020 #dividedpublishing #fannyhowe
Ilke Gers
Published by LLS Paleis, Antwerp, 2020, card (b/w ill.), 14.7 × 10.3 cm, English
Price: €3

Invitation produced on the occasion of Ilke Gers’ exhibition Postscript at LLS Paleis, Antwerp, 16–23 February, 2020.

More information on the exhibition can be found here.

#2020 #ephemera #ilkegers
Deux Soeurs
Beatrice Gibson
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin & Bergen Kunsthall, Bergen, 2020, 248 pp. (colour ill.), 10.8 × 18 cm, English
Price: €16 (Temporarily out of stock)

Edited by Axel Wieder, with texts by Robert Glück, Ursula K. Le Guin, Audre Lorde, Eileen Myles, Alice Notley, Pauline Oliveros, Adrienne Rich and contributions by Basma Alsharif, Erika Balsom, CAConrad, Adam Christensen, Beatrice Gibson, Mason Leaver-Yap, Eileen Myles, Irene Revell.

Deux Soeurs brings together a chorus of voices that explore representations of parenthood, friendship, and disobedience. The book acts as a reader to artist Beatrice Gibson’s films, I Hope I’m Loud When I’m Dead (2018) and Two Sisters Who Are Not Sisters (2019), and includes material that informed Gibson’s working process, together with the artist’s texts and notes used in both films.

Designed by HIT.

You can listen to Beatrice Gibson’s podcast What’s Love Got To Do With It  here.

#2020 #alicenotley #audrelorde #axelwieder #beatricegibson #bergenkunsthall #caconrad #eileenmyles #hit #masonleaveryap #robertgluck #sternbergpress #ursulaleguin