Mommy Reader
Published by Yale Union, Portland, 2015, 152 pages, 13.7 × 20.3 cm, English
Price: €10 (Out of stock)

A publication printed on the occasion of MOMMY, a group show that considered the mother, with work by Lutz Bacher, Susan Cianciolo, Sonya Hamilton, Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, Lynn Hershman Leeson, Eliot Porter, Jeff Preiss, Aura Rosenberg, Diane Simpson, Barbara T. Smith, Frances Stark, and Rosemarie Trockel. It also included new site-specific works by Cathy Wilkes and Anicka Yi, and a performance by Karin Schneider.

Selected writings by Lydia Davis, Doris Lessing, Elena Ferrante, Lisa Baraitser, Silvia Federici, Sara Ruddick, Judith Butler, Lee Edelman, Thomas Nagel, Anne Truitt, and Maggie Nelson.

A PDF of the reader can be downloaded here.

#2015 #annetruitt #annemievankerckhoven #aurarosenberg #barbaratsmith #cathywilkes #dianesimpson #dorislessing #eliotporter #francesstark #jeffpreiss #judithbutler #karinschneider #lutzbacher #lynnhershmanleeson #maggienelson #motherhood #rosemarietrockel #silviafederici #sonyahamilton #susancianciolo #yaleunion
Philippe Thomas Declines His Identity
Daniel Bosser
Published by Occasional Papers, London, 2015, 42 pages, 16 × 23 cm, English
Price: €14

This is the first authorised translation of Daniel Bosser, Philippe Thomas décline son identité, a book about modernism and modalities of display first published by Galerie Claire Burrus, Paris, in 1987. The book was part of a performative talk given by the French conceptual artist Philippe Thomas (1951–1995) at the Centre Georges Pompidou in Paris on 23 March 1987, and repeated a year later at the Musée de Grenoble. What audience members only realised upon leaving the auditorium was that the talk they had just witnessed was minutely scripted—down to Thomas’ smallest gestures and pauses—in the book itself. Thomas thus blurs definitions of ‘artist’s talk’, ‘performance’, ‘transcript’ and ‘book’, producing instead a play on words, and speech acts. Consistent with Thomas’ desire to separate the author’s name from actual authorship, the book is attributed to Daniel Bosser, the collector who acquired the piece.

Consistent with Thomas’ practice to distinguish his name from authorship, this book is attributed to Daniel Bosser, the collector who acquired the piece.

Translated by Antony Hudek, with a specially commissioned essay by Émeline Jaret.

#2015 #antonyhudek #claireburrus #danielbosser #emelinejaret #occasionalpapers #philippethomas #readymadesbelongtoeveryone
Moyra Davey
Published by Greengrassi, London, 2015, 8 pages, 10.7 × 28 cm, English
Price: €9 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition You’re a nice guy to let me hold you like this at Greengrassi, London, 4 September–24 October, 2015.

#2015 #moyradavey
God, I Don't Even Know Your Name
Andrea McGinty
Published by Badlands Unlimited, New York, 2015, 122 pages, 11.4 × 17.8 cm, English
Price: €15 (Out of stock)

Eva is a hot mess. When her promising art career in New York takes a plunge, she enters rehab and finds sobriety-but not peace of mind. She escapes to Europe and loses herself in one hook up after another using Bangly, the newest dating app. She meets a run-of-the-mill Finnish curator and thinks it’s love. Or is it just wanderlust?

God, I Don’t Even Know Your Name by Andrea McGinty is the third installment of New Lovers, a series of short erotic fiction published by Badlands Unlimited. Inspired by Maurice Girodias’ legendary Olympia Press, New Lovers features the raw and uncut writings of authors new to the erotic romance genre. Each story has its own unique take on relationships, intimacy and sex, as well as the complexities that bedevil contemporary life and culture today. These paperback editions pay homage to the classic covers of the Olympia Press novels. The “soft-touch” lamination and embossed lettering on the front covers make these novellas a precious edition to any library.

#2015 #badlandsunlimited #newlovers
Enlightenment–Time histories: A Retrospective
Hanne Darboven
Published by Prestel, New York, 2015, 352 pages (colour ill.), 22 × 29 cm, English
Price: €18

Produced on the occasion of Hanne Darboven: Enlightenment the first major retrospective after the artist’s death brings together key works from all phases of her prolific work. Collaboratively organised by and simultaneously presented at the Bundeskunsthalle in Bonn and Haus der Kunst in Munich.

This major publication brings together key works from all phases of her prolific career spanning over fifty years. It highlights the outstanding and wide-ranging output of this key conceptual artist in its entire temporal and stylistic breadth, featuring works in which the artist focuses on political events, German history and her personal context and shows the extensive work series exploring themes from cultural history, music, literature, and (natural) science.

A video on the exhibition can be seen here.

#2015 #hannedarboven
A Line May Lie, Testing Time
Judith Hopf
Published by Kunstverein Lingen & Studio Voltaire, London, 2015, 64 pages (b/w ill.), 11 × 16 cm, English/German
Price: €13

Published to coincide with Hopf’s exhibitions A Line May Lie, at Kunsthalle Lingen and Testing Time at Studio Voltaire, 2013. Includes essays by Meike Behm and Joe Scotland.

Hopf’s work focuses on how our social environments shape us, influence us, and by extension thereby exclude us from ourselves. Hopf uses a wide variety of techniques such as sculpture, installation, film and performance, often engaging subjects and materials that can be found in the immediate environment.

Designed by HIT.

#2015 #hit #judithhopf