Mühsam wachsen werdende Strukturen
Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt
Published by Verlag Lutz Wohlrab, Berlin, 2015, 24 pp. (b/w ill.), 14.5 × 21 cm, German
Price: €5

Published here for the first time, Ruth Wolf-Rehfeldt’s little known poems which preceded her typewritings and participation in the international mail art network from East Berlin.

#2015 #concretepoetry #poetry #ruthwolfrehfeldt
Dreaming Turtle
Josef Strau
Published by Revolver Publishing, Berlin, 2015, 120 pp. (b/w ill.), 16.7 × 22 cm, English
Price: €120

Produced on the occasion of Josef Strau’s exhibition A Turtle Dreaming (… Echoes from an Encapsulated Space Exiled Sounds of Letters Requiring Symphonic Treatment) at Secession, Vienna, 24 April – 21 June, 2015.

Josef Strau’s experimental artistic practice developed out of the written word. In his installations he relates texts and objects to each other in manifold ways. On the surface, the texts are characterized by the typographic interplay of printed word and blank space. At another level their distinctive feature is Strau’s idiosyncratic style of writing, which nimbly and playfully tracks his stream of consciousness. Oscillating between the meaningful and the meaningless, he interweaves everyday stories and urban scenes with personal revelations and literary motifs. Both in his exhibition at the Secession and in the accompanying publication, Josef Strau references an old-established motif of literature and film—the artist as dreamer, resembling a turtle, an encapsulated observer and recorder of his urban surroundings.

#2015 #josefstrau #revolverpublishing #secession
La Bibliothèque d’Helen Chadwick
Will Holder
Published by Paraguay Press, Paris, 2015, 16 pp., 16 × 22.3 cm, French
Price: €5

Will Holder’s pamphlet is the sixth in The Social Life of the Book series, Paraguay Press’s collection of commissioned texts dealing with books, and how they engage with the circulation of ideas and the agency of social situations. This edition contains a section of the catalogue of publications from english conceptual artist Helen Chadwick’s personal library, reproduced by Will Holder… for Single Mothers. The library was acquired in 2006 and is held by The Henry Moore Institute Archive, Leeds, UK.

Designed by Will Holder.

#2015 #paraguaypress #thesociallifeofthebook #willholder
The Library of Helen Chadwick
Will Holder
Published by Paraguay Press, Paris, 2015, 16 pp., 16 × 22.3 cm, English
Price: €5

Will Holder’s pamphlet is the sixth in The Social Life of the Book series, Paraguay Press’s collection of commissioned texts dealing with books, and how they engage with the circulation of ideas and the agency of social situations. This edition contains a section of the catalogue of publications from english conceptual artist Helen Chadwick’s personal library, reproduced by Will Holder… for Single Mothers. The library was acquired in 2006 and is held by The Henry Moore Institute Archive, Leeds, UK.

Designed by Will Holder.

#2015 #paraguaypress #thesociallifeofthebook #willholder
Shit For Brains
Lutz Bacher
Published by Galerie Buchholz, Köln, 2015, 404 pages (b/w ill.), 22.7 × 30.3 cm, English
Price: €55

Lutz Bacher wrote this novel in August 2010 in California. Designed by Lutz Bacher with consulting and production by HIT.

#2015 #galeriebuchholz #hit #lutzbacher
Xerox Book
Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris, Lawrence Weiner
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam & Stichting Egress Foundation, Amsterdam, 2015, 372 pages (b/w ill.), 21.1 × 27.9 cm, English
Price: €350

Originally published by Siegelaub/Wendler in 1968. Republished in December 2015 on the occasion of the exhibition Seth Siegelaub: Beyond Conceptual Art at the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. With contributions from Carl Andre, Robert Barry, Douglas Huebler, Joseph Kosuth, Sol Lewitt, Robert Morris, Lawrence Weiner.

#2015 #carlandre #douglashuebler #josephkosuth #lawrenceweiner #robertbarry #robertmorris #sethsiegelaub #sollewitt