Dealing with—Some Texts, Images, and Thoughts Related to American Fine Arts, Co.
Published by Sternberg Press, Berlin, 2012, 80 pages (b/w ill.), 21.5 × 28 cm, English
Price: €16

The New York gallery American Fine Arts, Co.—whose name today is largely synonymous with that of its gallerist, Colin de Land (1955–2003)—represents a gallery practice in which a decided deviation from conventional models overlaps with successful activities within the framework of the art market. Today, American Fine Arts, Co. and de Land figure as uncontested projection screens for the desire for independence from or bohemian resistance against the dictate of the market.

Texts by Andrea Fraser, Manfred Hermes, Karl Holmqvist & Tobias Kaspar, Isla Leaver-Yap, Jackie McAllister, James Meyer & Christian Philipp Müller, Magnus Schäfer, Axel John Wieder, Phillip Zach; conversation between Colin de Land, Josef Strau, and Stephan Dillemuth; introduction by Hannes Loichinger and Magnus Schäfer.

#2012 #andreafraser #christianphilippmuller #colindeland #hannesloichinger #islaleaveryap #josefstrau #magnusschaefer #stephandillemuth #sternbergpress #valerieknoll
ESCAPE from GUTAI: Return to ZERO
Atsuko Tanaka
Published by Galleria Col, Osaka, 2012, 24 pages (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, Japanese
Price: €55

Atsuko Tanaka was a Japanese avant-garde artist best known for her Neo-Dada Electric Dress (1956), a garment made from hundreds of lightbulbs painted in primary colors. This iconic work, which she wore to exhibitions, functions as a conflation of Japanese traditional clothing with modern urbanization, bringing an unexpected and challenging interpretation to both. “I wanted to shatter stable beauty with my work,” Tanaka once said. A member of the Gutai movement, much of her work used domestic objects like lightbulbs, textiles, doorknobs, and doorbells. With these objects, the artist was able to create work about the body without a body present. She maintained a broad practice that included performance “happenings,” sculpture, and installation, while her later work focusing on two-dimensional painting, with colorful organic abstract shapes connecting circles and lines.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#2012 #atsukotanaka #gutai #japaneseavantgarde
Antonius Höckelmann Jack Smith
Presented by Michael Krebber & Sebastian Höckelmann
Published by Galerie Buchholz, Köln, 2012, 48 pages, silkscreened cover (colour & b/w ill.), 21.3 × 22.5 cm, English / German
Price: €18 (Temporarily out of stock)

This publication documents an exhibition that took place in 2010 in the window of Antiquariat Buchholz. Michael Krebber presented here in collaboration with Sebastian Höckelmann works by Antonius Höckelmann and Jack Smith. The book contains a new text by Michael Krebber in German and English.

#2012 #antoniushockelmann #galeriebuchholz #jacksmith #sebastianhockelmann
Œuvres 1975-2011
Jacqueline Mesmaeker
Published by (SIC), Brussels, 2012, 296 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 28 cm, French
Price: €38 (Out of stock)

A survey of the Belgian artist’s work over more than 35 years, this book constitutes the first comprehensive monograph dedicated to the work of the Belgian artist Jacqueline Mesmaeker. The catalog first presents forty one of her works by means of illustrations and notices. The book also includes a dozen essays addressing her singular artistic approach, as well as a biography and a bibliography.

Edited by Olivier Mignon. Contributions by Muriel Andrin, Michel Assenmaker, Koen Brams, Laurent Busine, Corinne Giandou, Luk Lambrecht, Anaël Lejeune, Lynda Morris, Raphaël Pirenne, Benoit Platéus, Dirk Pültau, Philippe-André Rihoux, Georges Roque, Thierry Smolderen, Pierre Sterckx.

#2012 #jacquelinemesmaeker #lyndamorris #oliviermignon
You Talking To Me?
Bik van der Pol
Published by 98 Weeks, Beirut, 2012, 16 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 26.6 cm, English
Price: €5

Produced on the occasion of Bik van der Pol’s workshop You Talking To Me? At 98 Weeks, Beirut, 12–18 October, 2012. In this workshop, participants travelled by taxis, talked with drivers, recorded their conversations, and returned with stories which were disseminated by public radio during hours negotiated with a radio station. The taxi was regarded as social place, as carrier and interface of public voice, knowledge/history, often across generations. By choosing the taxi, the project also subtly touched upon two major urban management issues in Beirut: lack of public space (spaces of collectivity) and transportation.

#2012 #bikvanderpol #ephemera
Morgan Fisher
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2012, 280 pages (b/w ill.), 20.5 × 28.5 cm, English
Price: €29 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Morgan Fisher’s exhibitions The Frame and Beyond at the Generali Foundation, Vienna, 2 March 2–29 July, 2012 & Translations at Städtisches Museum Abteiberg, Mönchengladbach, 23 October, 2011–5 February, 2012.

Complementing Fisher’s Two Exhibitions monograph, this volume compiles the Los Angeles-based artist’s writings of the past three decades, from 1975 to the present. Fisher discusses his own films, paintings, installations and photographs and the works of artists such as Carl Andre and Blinky Palermo. A final section compiles his film and video transcripts and narrations.

#2012 #experimentalfilm #film #morganfisher #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig