Michael Asher
Published by Le Consortium, Dijon, 1992, 96 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 27 cm, English / French
Price: €28

Produced on the occasion of Michael Asher’s exhibition at Le Consortium Dijon, 7 June–27 July, 1991.

The work on show in Dijon depicted the heating systems in the basements of sixteen of the well-known architectural landmarks in a city famous for its tourism. On the walls of the exhibition space Asher exactly reproduced the schematic engineering diagrams of interior axial cuts for the heaters belonging to each of the buildings chosen. Painted in black at the same height as the actual heaters, the diagrams, on a purely formal level, presented eccentric shapes and seemingly abstract designs while expressing vigilant precision and regulated linearity.

#1992 #leconsortium #michaelasher
No Rocks Allowed (ijskoude douche.)
Haim Steinbach
Published by Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, Rotterdam, 1992, 72 pages (b/w ill.), 21.2 × 25 cm, Dutch / English
Price: €85

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition No Rocks Allowed., curated by Haim Steinbach, in Witte de With Center for Contemporary Art, 17 October–29 November, 1992. This book, a photo album compiled and designed by Steinbach himself, serves as a continuation of the exhibition, including the work of; Bas Jan Ader, Marcel Broodthaers, James Joyce, Joseph Kosuth, Cas Oorthuys, Klaus Rinke, Gerry Schum, Shelly Silver, J.J. Slauerhoff, the Van Toer family, G. Lee Thompson and Lawrence Weiner.

#1992 #basjanader #haimsteinbach #josephkosuth #marcelbroodthaers #wittedewith
Arbeiten auf Papier 1986–1991
Michael Krebber
Published by Gallery Bleich-Rossi, Graz, 1992, 15.5 × 21.5 cm (b&w ill.), 100 sheets in folding box, 48 drawings, above each 1 sheets of glassine, gilt edged, German
Price: €100 (Out of stock)

Publication reproducing Michael Krebber’s work on paper from 1986–1991 (as seen in Galerie Buchholz’s 2018 exhibition Works on Works on Paper.) Published by Gallery Bleich-Rossi, Graz. Designed by Jörg Schlick.

#1992 #michaelkrebber