Natural History
Alvin Curran
Published by Edition Giannozzo, Berlin, 1983, cassette (b/w ill.), 11 × 6.7 cm, English
Price: €85

A founding member of the radical electronic improvising group Musica Elettronica Viva, since the early 1970s Curran has developed an idiosyncratic body of solo work that occupies a unique position in the post-Cageian experimental tradition.

Natural History consists entirely of field recordings from Curran’s archive, arranged as a series of ‘still lifes’, sometimes layered, but without any additional processing. Sounds recorded over the course of nearly twenty years, at Curran’s home in Rome or while traveling: constructions sites, insects, children’s toys, a piano being tuned, foghorns, lovemaking, a singing neighbour.

You can listen to the album here or purchase the digital version here.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1983 #alvincurran #music
Rethinking Ideology : A Marxist Debate
Published by International General/IMMRC, New York/Amsterdam, 1983, 160 pp., 12 × 19 cm, English
Price: €7.50

“With Antonio Gramsci’s ground-breaking work over fifty years ago, Louis Althusser’s recent Ideology and Ideological State Aparatuses (1970), and the present world economic and political crisis, the need to formulate a theory of ideology is increasingly posed as a central element in an analysis of existing society as well as in a political project for its transformation. Developing on the analyses of the research group PIT (»Projekt Ideologie-Theorie«), begun in 1977, Rethinking Ideology contains the principal papers presented at the International Seminar on Problems of Research on Ideology held in West Berlin in 1982. The contributions. by researchers from Australia, Denmark, Finland, France Great Britain, Hungary, Japan, the Netherlands, Spain, Sweden and West Germany, range from highly conceptual texts to those on politics education, aesthetics, fascism, and feminism; all together they offer a rare confrontation between a wide spectrum of theoretical positions on questions of ideology.”

#1983 #internationalgeneral #sethsiegelaub
American Imaginations
Richard Kostelanetz
Published by Merve Verlag, Berlin, 1983, 158 pp., 12 × 17 cm, German
Price: €10

An exploration and anthology of the work of Charles Ives, Gertrude Stein, John Cage, Merce Cunningham and Robert Wilson. In German and English.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1983 #johncage #mercecunningham #merveverlag #richardkostelanetz
Points de vue
Daniel Buren
Published by Jean Claude Lefèvre, Paris, 1983, unpaginated (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, French
Price: €35

A brochure produced by Jean Claude Lefèvre on the occasion of Daniel Buren’s exhibition Points de vue at ARC/Musée d’ Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, May 5 1983.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1983 #danielburen
Marc Camille Chaimowicz
Published by Orchard Gallery, Londonderry, 1983, bookmark (colour & b/w ill.), 4.8 × 17.7 cm, English
Price: €22

Produced on the occasion of the touring exhibition Past Imperfect: 1972-1982 – Marc Camille Chaimowicz at Orchard Gallery, Londonderry, 1983.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership. (Condition: as new)

#1983 #bookmark #ephemera #marccamillechaimowicz
12 décors textiles
Marc Camille Chaimowicz
Published by Comportement Environnement Performance, Lyon, 1983, 26 pp. with 2 fabric samples tipped in. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 26 cm, English/French
Price: €385 (Out of stock)

Documents the designs of 12 textile patterns by Marc Camille Chaimowicz, including two fabric samples. Hand printed lithographically. With a text by Hubert Besacier.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership. (Condition: smoke damage to spine and cover)

#1983 #marccamillechaimowicz