Work in Progress
Eduardo Paolozzi
Published by Kölnischer Kunstverein, Köln, 1979, 96 pages (b/w ill.), 16.5 × 23.4 cm, English / German
Price: €15

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Eduardo Paolozzi: Work in Progress at the Kölnischer Kunstverein, 19 October–11 September, 1979.

Eduardo Paolozzi (1924-2005) was one of the most innovative and irreverent artists of the 20th century. Considered the ‘godfather of Pop Art’, his collages, sculptures and prints challenged artistic convention, from the 1950s through to the Swinging Sixties and advent of ‘Cool Britannia’ in the 1990s.

*Please note this publication is secondhand and has some traces of previous ownership.

#1979 #eduardopaolozzi #kolnischerkunstverein
Weibliche" und "männliche" Körpersprache als Folge patriarchalischer Machtverhältnisse
Marianne Wex
Published by Verlag Marianne Wex, Hamburg, 1979, 377 pages (b/w ill.), 23.5 × 29.5 cm, German
Price: €90 (Out of stock)

Speaking about her work, Wex notes that her endeavor was “based on the assumption that body language is the result of sexoriented, patriarchal socialization, affecting all of our ‘feminine’ and ‘masculine’ role behavior.” Her discovery was that “body language and bodily ideals between sexes have become increasingly divergent.”

The resulting body of photographic collages is unique: they combine the history of street photography and the typologies of the Becher School with conceptual art imperatives, especially in their possibilities for modular recombination. Let’s Take Back Our Space might be classified, non-exhaustively, as a feminist broadside, an encyclopedia of gesture, an ethnographic portrait of Hamburg in the 1970s, a genealogical tract on art history, a neglected classic of appropriation art and a kind of autobiography.

#1979 #mariannewex
Braco Dimitrijević
Published by ICA, London, 1979, 36 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 25.3 cm, English
Price: €25 (Out of stock)

Dimitrijević gained an international reputation in the seventies with his Casual passer-by series, in which gigantic photo portraits of anonymous people were displayed on prominent facades and billboards in European and American cities. The artist also mimicked other ways of glorifying important persons by building monuments to passers-by and installing memorial plaques in honour of anonymous citizens.

#1979 #bracodimitrijevic #icalondon
West Coast Ceramics
Keramisch Beeldhouwwerk Uit De Verenigde Staten
Published by Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam, 1979, 44 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 27.5 cm, English/Dutch
Price: €10 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of West Coast Ceramics, Keramisch Beeldhouwwerk Uit De Verenigde Staten, September 1979. Including the work of Robert Arneson, Robert Brandy, David Gilhooly, Ron Nagle, Richard Notkin, Ken Price, Richard Shaw and Peter Voulkos.

Designed by Wim Crouwel, Arlette Brouwers, Total Design.

#1979 #ceramics #davidgilhooly #kenprice #petervoulkos #ronnagle #stedelijkmuseum #westcoastceramics #wimcrouwel
WOLS Photograph
Published by Schirmer/Mosel, München, 1979, 102 pages (b/w ill.), 20.2 × 20.2 cm, German
Price: €20 (Out of stock)

Published on the occasion of Wols Photograph, at Museum Ludwig, Köln, 31 January–11 March, 1979. Wols was the pseudonym of Alfred Otto Wolfgang Schulze (27 May 1913, Berlin–1 September 1951, Paris), a German painter and photographer predominantly active in France. Though broadly unrecognized in his lifetime, he is considered a pioneer of lyrical abstraction, one of the most influential artists of the Tachisme movement.

#1979 #museumludwig #photography #wols
Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Fotografien & Bilder
Isa Genzken & Horst Schuler
Published by Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld, 1979, 20 pages (colour & b/w ill.), 17 × 23 cm, German
Price: €40 (Out of stock)

Catalogue for the exhibitions Isa Genzken: Skulpturen, Zeichnungen, Fotografien and Horst Schuler: Bilder held 11 November–20 December, 1979 at Museum Haus Lange, Krefeld.

#1979 #isagenzken #museumhauslangekrefeld