Fifteen Feet by Eight Feet. And There Are Two of us in Here, May-June/September 1980
Stephen Willats
Published by Deutscher Kunstverlag, Berlin, 2019, 168 pages, 13 × 20 cm, English
Price: €12

Fifteen Feet by Eight Feet, And There are Two of Us in Here is dedicated to the daily work of an editor. Along with three other professional portraits, this piece belongs to a group of works that were exhibited at the Lisson Gallery in London in 1980, but have never again been considered in their entirety. Eva Schmidt is the first to reunite these works, taking into account archival materials and the publication of detailed conversations between the artist and the parties involved: It’s a piece of “mental history” at the beginning of Margaret Thatcher’s term in office and the neoliberalization associated with it in Great Britain.

More information on the work can be found here.

#2019 #stephenwillats