stanley brouwn
Published by Haubrok Foundation, Berlin, 2012, card, 15 × 10.5 cm, English
Price: €24

“Behind the standards put in place for the communication related to his exhibitions—the use of lowercase and Helvetica exclusively, the refusal to reproduce images of his work, to produce (or allow production of) written commentary on the subject of the same work, to appear in the context of a vernissage or even to answer an interview—the artist stanley brouwn builds his identity by way of ellipses. The invitation cards for his solo exhibitions provide a symptomatic example: set almost exclusively in Helvetica, the absence of uppercase, flying in the face of the graphic identity of the gallery or the host institution, they seem impossible to date, give or take twenty years”—Céline Chazalviel, Revue Faire –To look at things #4, 2017

#2012 #ephemera #haubrokfoundation #stanleybrouwn