Eva Hesse
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln & Hauser & Wirth, Zurich, 2020, 904 pp. (b/w ill.), 13.6 × 20.4 cm, English
Price: €34 (Out of stock)

American sculptor, Eva Hesse (b. 1936, Hamburg; d. 1970, New York) is best known for her pioneering work with materials such as rope, latex and fibreglass. She is regarded as one of the artists who ushered in PostMinimalism in the late 1960s.

Her diaries from 1955 to 1970 served as a tool for the artist to analyse her experience of the world and express her feelings.

#2020 #evahesse #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Lincolnshire Squire
Ron Nagle
Published by Modern Art, London, 2020, 56 pp. (colour ill.), 18 × 21 cm, English
Price: €15

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition, Ron Nagle: Lincolnshire Squire at Modern Art, London, 10 September–18 December 2020.

Mixing traditional materials such as ceramic and porcelain with epoxy resin and catalysed polyurethane, Nagle’s works attain an almost impossible physical quality, their indefinability echoed in the deft wit of their titles, such as Vapor Caper or Curly Centurion. This catalogue illustrates 22 new works by the artist and features an essay by Dan Fox, former Frieze magazine Editor-at-Large.

#2020 #ceramics #modernartlondon #ronnagle #westcoastceramics
Kill Someone: Arbeiten Auf Papier
Richard Tuttle
Published by Christian Lethert, Köln, 2019, card, (colour ill.), 20.8 × 10.4 cm, German
Price: €6

Produced on the occasion of Richard Tuttle’s exhibition Kill Someone: Arbeiten Auf Papier, at Christian Lethert, Köln, 6 September–31 October, 2019.

#2019 #ephemera #richardtuttle
Use of Time
Richard Tuttle
Published by Hatje Cantz, Berlin, 2012, hardcover in slipcase, 36 pp., (colour & b/w ill.), 17.3 × 24.7 cm, English
Price: €65

An elaborate artist book with 18 cards, loosely bound by a weaver knot.

Richard Tuttle has worked in close collaboration with the Kunsthaus Zug as the “in-house artist” for almost twenty years. Through fragile, mostly small, subtle paintings as well as sculptural objects and three-dimensional installations, he continues to explore special features of the museum’s architecture or selected works from its collection. Tuttle poses questions about endurance and continuity, rhythm and repetition in the various cultures of contemporary global society.

#2012 #artistbook #hatjecantz #richardtuttle
Galerie Volker Siehl/Mies Van Der Rohe Haus
Richard Tuttle
Published by Mies Van Der Rohe Haus, Berlin, 1996, 16 pp. (colour ill.), 15 × 17 cm, German.
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Richard Tuttle’s exhibition at Mies Van Der Rohe Haus, Berlin, 1 November 1996–19 January, 1997 & Galerie Volker Siehl, Berlin, 31 October, 1996–18 January, 1997.

#1996 #richardtuttle
Richard Tuttle
Published by Modern Art, London, 2020, 260 pp. (colour ill.), 16.5 × 22.5 cm, English
Price: €44 (Out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of Richard Tuttle’s exhibition TheStars at Modern Art, London, 1 October–21 November, 2020.

Bearing a clear resemblance to some of Tuttle’s early work from the 1970s, such as his iconic Rope Piece (1974), which came to typify his bold approach to scale, these new works are made predominantly from plywood, paint, paper and metal wire, each sits atop its own hand-made shelf, annotated by Tuttle with its particular title, and secured to the wall with a single nail. The publication documents the new work alongside a series of Tuttle’s corresponding poems.

#2020 #modernartlondon #poetry #richardtuttle