Hier & Jetzt
Heimo Zobernig
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2017, 216 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 23 × 23 cm, English
Price: €15

Hei­mo Zobernig’s ex­per­i­men­tal ap­proach to the con­cept of sculp­ture of­ten leads him to pre­vi­ous­ly un­ex­plored boun­daries be­tween art and ar­chi­tec­ture or de­sign. For in­s­tance, he de­vel­oped two large-scale, black in­s­tal­la­tions for the floor and ceil­ing of the Aus­trian pav­ilion at the Venice Bien­nale in 2015, which play­ful­ly ques­tion the re­la­tion­ship be­tween bodies in space. Part of this rad­i­cal yet min­i­mal­ist in­s­tal­la­tion was trans­ferred to the Mu­se­um Lud­wig where he full-scale re­pli­ca served as a pedes­tal for the mu­se­um’s sculp­ture col­lec­tion. This succinct place­ment can be read as a hu­mor­ous and iron­ic com­men­tary on col­lec­tions and artis­tic self-con­cep­tion.

#2017 #heimozobernig #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Dear Clay
Stéphanie Baechler
Published by Building Fictions, Amsterdam, 2020, 240 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 20 × 28 cm, with 3 embroidered bookmarks and loose envelope, English
Price: €30 (Out of stock)

Dear Clay gathers a selection of spreads extracted from Stéphanie Baechler’s meticulous sketchbooks displayed in chronological order (2013–2019), as well as 35mm photographs documenting her working process. Providing an intimate insight into her artistic practice, it reveals what facilitates the work from its conception to its making, transportation, and installation.

With texts by Zoë Dankert, Stéphanie Baechler, Jan Verwoert and Rudy Guedj. Designed by Rudy Guedj and Laura Pappa.

#2020 #buildingfictions #janverwoert #laurapappa #rudyguedj
Bik Van der Pol
Published by Fonds BKVB, Rotterdam, 2002, plastic bag, 32.6 × 45.3 cm, English
Price: €10

Produced as a contribution to the exhibition Commitment, een keuze uit drie jaar Fonds BKVB, Las Palmas, Rotterdam, 2002. The text which is derived from a fortune cookie, has taken various forms and media in Bik Van der Pol’s work since 2000.

#2002 #bikvanderpol #ephemera
Misc invitations
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by various publishers, 1997–2020, cards and foldout posters, variable dimensions, English
Price: €12 (Out of stock)

Miscellaneous invitations produced for exhibitions of Marc Nagtzaam’s work from 1997–2020.

Marc Nagtzaam has been producing a body of work that is based on one main subject: the idea of pattern, the repetition. He draws lines, grids, circles, words or sentences as in an endless search for collecting pieces of information.

#ephemera #marcnagtzaam
We Are The Artists
Marc Nagtzaam, Roeland Zijlstra
Published by From Me to You Publications, Antwerp, 2011, 32 pp. (b/w ill.), 13.5 × 20.5 cm, English
Price: €8

For this booklet Marc Nagtzaam selected a series of drawings by painter Roeland Zijlstra. The pp. are filled with drawings of men and women, often in unflattering poses in a day at the beach. To these scenes of unabashed and carefree amusement Marc Nagtzaam has added a series of quotes by artists, taken from various art magazines. The juxtaposition of this contrasting material results in a playful and surprising publication.

#2011 #marcnagtzaam
The different possible variations, options, additions or substractions of the beginning of something
Marc Nagtzaam
Published by Roma Publications, 2013, 12 pp. (b/w ill.), 21 × 29.7 cm, English
Price: €18 (Out of stock)

Reproductions of six wall drawings made by Marc Nagtzaam at San Serriffe, Amsterdam, during the month of June, 2013. Laser print on paper, hand stapled in a numbered edition of 40 copies.

Marc Nagtzaam has been producing a body of work that is based on one main subject: the idea of pattern, the repetition. He draws lines, grids, circles, words or sentences as in an endless search for collecting pieces of information.

#2013 #marcnagtzaam #romapublications