Produced on the occasion of the restoration of Lili Dujourie’s video works by Argos Editions, Brussels in 2002.
“Lili Dujourie made her videos in complete solitude, without a cameraman or a technical entourage. She saw on a monitor what the camera recorded of her from a fixed viewpoint. Her videos were never edited ‘extenuatingly’ afterwards; the video had to deliver the desired image or the work was destroyed. The vulnerability of the making of videos is comparable to the technique of the aquarelle—the touch should show great precision, otherwise the work fails. Mirrors, a mantelpiece, a window, slightly reflecting because of the entering light, a bed with white sheeting: familiar, yet as regards to content strongly layered encompassing ‘signs’ within which Lili Dujourie moved about in a suite of punctual movements, heightened with erotic suggestions and connotations. Time is being lived (in) in these videos—they reflect a conscious undergoing in the spectator of slow actions without finality”—Luk Lambrecht