Collected Comics 2011–2020
Amelie Von Wulffen
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln & KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin, 2020, 208 pp. (b/w ill.), 19 × 26 cm, English
Price: €18 (Temporarily out of stock)

This is an anthology of the artist’s collected comics from 2011 to 2020, only allegedly a casual branch of her practice. It includes November (2011) and At the cool table (2013) as well as lesser known, shorter comics of the last few years. Von Wulffens comics address the social codes of the art world, the daily life of being a female artist, and nightmare-like, surreal psychogeographies. They poignantly and parodically observe fears of failure, loneliness, competition, so-called good taste, and sexual affairs, while questioning a clear cut distinction between high and low, artistic genius and amateurism.

Designed by Marc Hollenstein.

#2020 #amelievonwulffen #kwinstituteforcontemporaryart #marchollenstein #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig
Serving Compressed Energy With Vacuum
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Published by Roma Publications, Amsterdam, 2015, 110 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21 × 30 cm, English/Dutch
Price: €19

Published in conjunction with an exhibition at Kunstverein München, this catalogue is presented as an integral part of the show, augmenting it through the presentation of subjects, aspects, and themes which are better suited to the printed medium or demand another kind of involvement. Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven’s works involve painting, drawing, digital media, and video, and reflect her fascination from a female point of view with the representation of women in mass media, the connections between sex and technology, different knowledge systems, and the unconscious. Besides numerous works, projects, and images, the book includes insightful explanations by the artist.

Designed by Julie Peeters.

#2015 #annemievankerckhoven #chrisfitzpatrick #juliepeeters #kunstvereinmunchen #romapublications
Remco Toren­bosch
2021, 6 p. leporello, 21 × 29.7 cm (unfolded 63 × 29.7 cm), English
Price: €2

Produced on the occasion of Remco Torenbosch’s exhibition of Growth, 2019 at Kunstfort bij Vijfhuizen for which Toren­bosch ap­pro­pri­ated a med­i­ta­tion video that he found cir­cu­lating on an in­ternet forum for stock traders. The video shows a mon­tage with a va­riety of flower fields, com­posed in such a way as to glo­rify the beauty of na­ture and ef­fec­tuate re­laxation through dig­ital de­vices. The piece ex­plores how the rep­re­sen­ta­tion of na­ture is cap­i­tal­ized on by the med­i­ta­tion in­dustry, in order to pro­mote better per­for­mance in the work­place.

The vir­tual rep­re­sen­ta­tion of flowers and na­ture and the video’s orig­inal place of cir­cu­la­tion also un­der­line the eternal con­nec­tion be­tween the nat­ural and the fi­nan­cial world: from the very first spec­u­la­tive bubble caused by tulip bulbs in the 17th cen­tury, to dis­aster in­vestors who are cashing in on the eco­log­ical cat­a­stro­phes of the fu­ture.

With a text by Sven Lütticken.

#2021 #ephemera #remcotorenbosch #svenlutticken
Een leeg
Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven
Published by MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Ghent, 2014, 16 pp. (b/w ill.), 20 × 26 cm, English
Price: €19

Seven selected poems by Antwerp-based artist Anne-Mie Van Kerckhoven, illustrated with some of the artist”s original black and white pen drawings. Limited edition of 300 copies.

#2014 #annemievankerckhoven #lucderycke #merpaperkunsthalle #poetry
Kunst Aus Los Angeles Der 60er Bis 90er Jahre
Published by Verlag der Buchhandlung Walther König, Köln, 2007, 48 pp. (colour & b/w ill.), 21.5 × 27 cm, English/German
Price: €21 (Temporarily out of stock)

Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Kunst Aus Los Angeles Der 60Er Bis 90Er Jahre at the Kunstverein Braunschweig, 2 December, 2006–18 February, 2007, which concentrated on artistic positions from the Sixties to the Nineties and on works which explore conceptual approaches (Bas Jan Ader, Michael Asher, John Baldessari, Chris Burden, Douglas Huebler, Larry Johnson, William Leavitt, Bruce Nauman, Maria Nordman, Stephen Prina, Allen Ruppersberg, Ed Ruscha, Christopher Williams) as well as on Mike Kelley, Paul McCarthy and Raymond Pettibon’s more recent Pop-Art-based assemblages which expose everyday myths, prejudices, and tenets of belief as lies that serve to perpetuate social oppression.

Designed by Yvonne Quirmbach.

#2007 #allenruppersberg #basjanader #chrisburden #christopherwilliams #douglashuebler #edruscha #johnbaldessari #larryjohnson #marianordman #michaelasher #mikekelley #paulmccarthy #stephenprina #verlagderbuchhandlungwaltherkonig #williamleavitt #yvonnequirmbach
The Tower of Babel
Jack Spicer
Published by Talisman House,Jersey City, 1994, 170 pp., 14 × 21.3 cm, English
Price: €14 (Out of stock)

An established writer from an Eastern college returning to his former San Francisco haunts becomes entangled in a labyrinthine series of events that culminate in the sudden violent death of a respected poet. Described by Lewis Ellingham and Kevin Killian as “a satiric look at the private world of poetry gone public in the wake of the Six Gallery HOWL reading of October, 1955,” The Tower of Babel includes finely detailed sketches of the San Francisco poetry world and gay life as they existed then.

Jack Spicer (30 January, 1925–17 August, 1965) was an American poet often identified with the San Francisco Renaissance. In 2009, My Vocabulary Did This to Me: The Collected Poetry of Jack Spicer won the American Book Award for poetry. He spent most of his writing-life in San Francisco

#1994 #crime #fiction #jackspicer #kevinkillian