Limits to Growth
Nicholas Mangan
Edited by Aileen Burns, Charlotte Day, Krist Gruijthuijsen, Johan Lundh. Texts by Max Andrews and Mariana Cánepa Luna (Latitudes), Helen Hughes, Ana Teixeira Pinto.
This publication accompanies Australian multidisciplinary artist Nicholas Mangan’s survey exhibition Limits to Growth. The exhibition and book bring together four of Mangan’s most significant works of the past seven years, alongside a new commission. The works in the show tackle narratives from his own geographical region—Asia Pacific, in which his home country of Australia plays a colonial role—and weaves them into a bigger picture to take into account the global economy, resource extraction, and the ultimate power of the sun. Featuring an in-depth series of conversations between the artist and the Barcelona-based curatorial collective Latitudes, and essays by Ana Teixeira Pinto and Helen Hughes, this publication is richly illustrated with documentation of Mangan’s artworks and historical source material.
Copublished with the Institute of Modern Art, Brisbane; KW Institute for Contemporary Art, Berlin; and Monash University Museum of Art, Melbourne. Design by Žiga Testen.
#2016 #helenhughes #imabrisbane #kristgruijthuijsen #kwinstituteforcontemporaryart #latitudes #muma #nicholasmangan #sternbergpress #zigatesten